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LaGrossa Lawns
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Welcome! To Jesse's Lawn Cutting Service

Weed-Eat, Edge, and Cut for only $25 a  Week!

It's summer time and I can bet your lawn needs to be cut. Until this point, you've only had two options: Have a nice lawn by paying an expensive professional service, or have some kid run your lawn over with a mower for 20 bucks. Basically its always been, "you get what you pay for." NOT ANYMORE!

I offer an excellent lawn cutting service that will perfect your grass without breaking the bank

Click the links above to find out more about what I offer. Just fill out an online application and you could be on your way to a beautiful looking lawn.


Due to the difficulty of transporting equipment, I only offer lawn service within a restricted range of my home. This includes no more than one block from 204 Juniper Dr. under most conditions.

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