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India 2008

This page is about my trip to India in February of 2008. I went there for two weeks with some friends and their parents. They have a ministry called Children's Fellowship of India, which is an orphanage in central India. My journey started in Philadelphia where we flew out Sunday night. We had a short layover in London then landed in Mumbai (Bombay). From there we took a domestic flight to Nagpur and then drove in a bus for a couple hours to Naya Akola, where the orphanage is. In total we were traveling for over 20 hours.

When we arrived at the orphanage all the boys were lined up waiting with leis to give us. They had a big ceremony where there was dancing and introductions. I have never felt so welcomed. Most of the trip was spent spending time with the boys and the staff. We lead Bible lessons with them and even did a puppet show, which was a lot of fun improvising. During the day when the boys were at school we visited other ministries and places in the area. We went to another orphanage for boys and girls, a home for widows, a leprosy hospital (don't worry I didn't get it), a Hindu temple, a regular hospital (because Lizzie got sick), a Christian technical institute, and the local city. On the way back we spent a day in Mumbai and saw some of the sites there including the home of Mahatma Gandhi.

It was one of the best trips I have ever taken and want to go back soon. I encourage everyone to go to another country to see how other people live and be grateful for all that we have in this country because I know that I can take for granted what God has given me. If you are interested in finding out more please watch my video on youtube or contact me. There is a link below for the video and also one for Children's Fellowship of India.

India Trip Video
Children's Fellowship of India
Home Page