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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters mentioned here, Saban does. My Destiny series was complex and involved, and the last chapter left a few questions unanswered. I hope this answers them.

Destiny Chronicles: Aftermath.
By Mouse.

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday. - John Wayne.

Ranger Square, Washington D.C. Earth. January 26th, 2011

Dawn was just touching the far horizon. The morning was sprinkled with the promise of a new day, fresh, clean and hopeful. Work crews were slowly arriving to begin setting up barriers for the large crowd that was expected later that morning. Three figures moved along the footpath silently in the morning's calmness. A father with his children on an early morning stroll most thought, and therefore didn't spare them a second glance. The young man walked silently, his hand's holding those of his children. They seemed a nice, happy, normal young family. But if we were to look closer, we should see that they were anything but normal.

His name was William Cranston. Otherwise know as the Blue Wolf Mage. Recently of the planet Eltar but he and his family had returned to earth a few months ago. He wanted his children to get to know the planet of his birth and that held a special spot in his heart. They had traveled many times back and worth but this time it was a permanent move. The children were Mary and Jason Cranston. They were twins, a rarity on his wife's planet. T'Risa was an Eltaran who Will had fell in love with at first sight, many years ago. They had married and soon she bore the children. T'Risa was a mage like himself but she was trained in the arts of healing, where as he was a warrior mage. And then the Year of Prophecy had occurred, which had cost T'Risa her life and Will his soul mate, and their children their mother. He and his friends had been successful in defeating the darkness, but it was at great cost. Which is why they were at the monument this morning.

It was the tenth anniversary of his battle against Dathan and Will had decided it was time his children knew what sacrifices were made to keep the universe safe. They knew on some level that the rangers had taken a terrible toll to defeat Dathan. One of the worst duties he has ever had to do was tell his children that their mother had fallen in the battle against evil. But they were now almost 13 and ready to be sent to Dulcea to continue they're training to become Ninjetti and the next generation of Power Rangers. But before that happened, he wanted them to understand what had happened during that dark time. They stood at the base of the monument and as he looked at it, sorrow filled his soul. Mary looked up at her father and smiled, sensing her father's sorrow she finally understood why he wanted them to see this. He led them over to a seat that was positioned in front of one of the two-brass plaques on the monument. They looked at it and he glanced at the other, the one with the Great Prophecy on it. He re-reads it all, remembering those times with something akin to fondness.

The sun glistened and held the promise of a new day, with new hopes. The plaque sat there on the monument, and, for a moment, it seemed as if it's Eltarian script translated itself into English. It had been decided the entire monument would be written in Eltarian, except for the colors of the Rangers that had fallen. And if you were fortunate enough to read it's words, you came to some understanding of what had transpired. Quite simply it stated thus:

A time of balance exists though out all, but imbalance occurs. This imbalance will come to a head and a great meeting will be held. And the Accords will be struck and balance returned. But the Accords will hold for only so long and then the imbalance will rise again.

The Darkness will escape its prison and imbalance and chaos will reign for a period of one year. And the Rangers of Light will be at the forefront of the defense of the universe, for the Rangers of Light will be strong and will prevail. They will join with the Ancient and Great Power of Ninjetti and one will face the ultimate battle.

A Blue Wolf Mage will emerge and he will be the focus of good, whereas the Darkness will be the focus of evil. But his journey will not be without sacrifice. The Rangers of Light will suffer a great loss. The Gold is forever gone. But the Rangers of Light will endure, and the Red Lion will lead them into many battles, but even fewer victories. Darkness is strong, and Rangers will fall, but what color we cannot see.

In the end, the Blue Wolf Mage will make his decision, and the Light will shine anew. The barrier renewed, the Rangers of Light will prevail.

The journey is long, difficult and will not be without hard lessons of pain and suffering. And lo, the mate of the Wolf will fall, and this will signal the beginning of the end for the darkness. And a stalemate shall occur for many months while the Wolf grieves, as the universe will grieve with him.

The Universe will grieve when the second planet of Light falls, and it's people with it. With their loss it clears the way for a new and greater Ranger to emerge, years from now, with kindness, compassion and the intelligence the planet of Light was known for.

Choices were made, and will be undone but one thing remains. The Wolf and the Evil One will face each other in a final battle on the eve of a new millennium and only one will survive. But before the final battle the Wolf will have to choose his destiny and the destiny of his companions. For it is seen that out of his companions, only some will survive. Two Red and two Black will fall; one Pink, one Yellow and one Blue will fall. These deaths will not be in vain, as their spirits will live on forever as the very fabric of the universe. But the power of the Wolf is so strong, that these deaths will enhance his resolve to face the final battle. Mark these words well; as for they will not appear until just before the final battle is ready to be fought. Be strong Rangers, the Wolf needs all your strength and nobility to enable him to face his destiny.

Will then looked at the plaque in front of them and smiled. In English it was written 'For those that have fallen in the Greatest Battle of them all. For Peace.' Below that the writing was Eltaran, naming all those that had fallen. Jason looked at the names then up at his father, his expression curious. The two children had both inherited their father's natural curiosity as well as his sandy blond hair. From their mother they had gotten her compassion, generous nature and dark green eyes.
"Dad, can you tell us about them, please?"
"I'd like to know too Daddy, please?" He smiled at his children, the joy at them being together pushing away the sorrow he felt. Wrapping his arms around them he began speaking softly.


"The first to fall was Prince Trey of Triforia. He was the Gold Ranger. A kind and noble person, he was a good friend to us all. He helped the Zeo Rangers fight King Mondo and the Machine Empire and then kept watch on the barrier for me while we gathered together all the Rangers and re-joined with the Great Power. After he died his planet offered their help in the fight. And for that they were destroyed." Jason just nodded and spoke softly.
"Is that why we have that Memorial Day for the Fallen Planets Dad?"
"Exactly Jason. That wasn't the only planet to fall opposing the darkness." Mary looked at her father, her dark green eyes full of love.
"Daddy, are you sad?" He smiled down at her.
"Yes Mary. A lot of people died because they had faith in me. It's something that I've never gotten used to, and never hope to." He sighed and Mary reached up and wiped away the tear that had formed in the corner of his eye. He smiled at her in thanks and held them both tight. Sighing, he continued his tale.

"Zack Taylor was the next Ranger to fall." He laughed in remembrance. Zack's memory always had that effect on him. "He was one of my closet friends, and one of the original Power Rangers along with myself. He was always making people laugh and dancing around. He lived life to the fullest that it allowed him to. The times we spent together are some of the happiest in my life. He took great joy in teaching others to be happy and to follow their dreams."

"Damon Henderson fell next. He was one of the best mechanics I've ever seen. And a good pilot. I didn't get to know him all that well, but from what I did get to know he was a good man. He didn't deserve to die how he did."
"What happened to him Daddy?" He just shook his head.
"I'll tell you some other time Mary. It's not important right at the moment." She settled back down against his side, satisfied that he would tell her later. Jason stirred slightly on the other side but remained silent.

"T.J. Johnson died heroically. He saved your Aunt Kimberly's life and lost his own in the process. I liked T.J. He was a good Red Ranger and had gone through some really tough times and hard assignments. I'm glad his death had meaning and honor."

Will stopped speaking at the next name. His throat constricting with sadness and suppressed tears. Although it had been over ten years, the hurt was still fresh and his soul still ached late at night when he missed her most. Jason and Mary both sensed their father's reluctance to continue so in a small voice Jason read out the next name.
"T'Risa of Eltar. Blue Wolf Mage. Died sealing the Great Barrier." He paused and looked up at his father. "Dad, what happened exactly? You've never told us." Will closed his eyes against the memories that were still so fresh in his mind; it was like it happened only yesterday.
"We were trying to close the barrier with a most powerful and ancient spell that your mother knew. But it wasn't enough. We were interrupted at the most crucial of times; in the end the only way it could be sealed was someone's essence was needed to close it. Your mother sacrificed herself as she was the only one that knew the proper incantation to do what needed to be done." He bowed his head and the children clung to their father, offering what comfort they could and taking it as well. After a couple of moments he pulled himself together and smiled down at them both. Glancing at the rays of the sun now appearing over the tops of buildings, he knew they didn't have much time before the square would be full of people again. Taking a deep breath he hugged them tight and continued with his tale.

"Tomas Oliver was one of my best friends, and one of the best leaders the Power Rangers ever had. He was always overcoming lots of obstacles to be the best he could. But that never stopped him from having a few faults. We used to joke with him that he'd be late to his own funeral." He smiled as the happy memories of the times spent together with his friend surfaced, offsetting the sad ones of his wife's death.

"Cassie Chan was just the most happiest person I've ever met. She and Kimberly were so alike in being happy and cheerful it was amazing. She and Tom were killed on a planet we were fighting on. She had the most beautiful voice and sang like a nightingale. Which was her spirit animal as it happens." The children both joined their father in laughing at that.

"Justin Stewart was the youngest ever Power Ranger. He was only 12 when he took up his powers. He was also extremely intelligent. You both would have liked him I think. I did. We spent many happy hours tweaking the Ultra Zords to perfection. He was so enthusiastic sometimes but he always made us laugh." He sighed as they came to the last name on the list.

"Trini Kwan Scott. When I was your age, I was very shy and quiet. Much like Mary is now. But at least you've got Jason, Mary. I had no one. Until I meet Trini. She understood me like few people did. Only your mother and Jason have understood me better than her." Jason looked confused and he smiled down at his son. "Your Uncle Jason I should have said. Sorry." He looked back up at the monument and continued speaking softly. "She and Jason were so happy and they were made for each other. She cared greatly for others and was killed trying to save Justin. There was nothing any of us could have done. Just seconds after she was killed, the darkness destroyed the planet Inquiris were she was killed, along with one of the Council of Wise, Dimitria."
"That's who you got my crystal from isn't it Daddy?" Mary reached into her top and pulled the white crystal out, on it's unbreakable silver chain.
"That's right Mary. Around your neck you carry the knowledge crystal that contains everything Inquiris was. All its culture, history and peoples memories. One of the things Dulcea will be teaching you is how to access that knowledge." Mary studied the crystal and then shrugging, placed it back under her top. Will looked over and saw Jason studying his ruby amulet that was around his neck. He looked up at his father and Will just shook his head. Jason understood that it was something that would be explained later as well. Mary looked up at her father, curiosity in her bright gray eyes.
"Daddy, why have Jason and I got different crystals?" Will smiled down at them both.
"One day they will help you fulfill your destiny. You remember me telling you stories of Zhane, the Silver Ranger, and how there is only ever one Gold Ranger and One Silver Ranger. Well, one day, Jason will become a Ranger, as will you Mary."
"Am I going to be the new Gold Ranger Dad?" Will shook his head sadly.
"No Jason. Those powers were destroyed when Trey was killed. You will actually be using a power I held once briefly. I will tell you this though. You'll both be a one of a kind Ranger, so you will be just like Zhane. Unique." He laughed as he remembered a similar conversation with the aforementioned ranger on a morning rather like this, many years ago.
"What type of Ranger will I be Daddy?"
"One of the best Mary. But not now, one day."
"Okay Daddy. We'll just have to wait then to find out." Laughing he hugged his children to himself hard. As long as he had his children with him, he was able to put the sacrifices and deaths of his friends into perspective. He stood and held out his hands.
"Come on kids, let's go visit grandpa. There's going to be a lot of people here in a little while to pay their respects. We've paid ours." The children hopped off the bench and walked over to the brass plaque. As one they placed their hands against the names of the fallen. Then again as one, they spoke in Eltaran.
"Thank you. For everything." Will smiled as his children walked back over and took his outstretched hands. They walked away, not looking back. Later on they would gather with the other surviving Rangers in their own private memorial service. But for now, they were happy as a family together.

The End.

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