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Sub Pages

My Favorite Web Sites

Cardigan Press & a Melb. website
Robert Creeley & his links
Jeanette Winterson & her reflections
Salt-lick Quarterly & its Poetry

Alan Turner's writing. Experiments in style. Some short fiction... Alan has left behind various personas in various states of disintegration. His writing focuses on shorter forms of fiction (often fact-based 'faction') in which can be seen often a foregrounding of line-by-line crafting & rhythm. These experiments in voice, perspective, form, and narrative structure are the basis for longer works. Influences... A nauseating confidence in self can be traced to a life-changing experience in Tokyo, which inflamed Sub's passion to recreate a world burning with his own deeply personal vision-based experience. He long ago ceased being one of those annoyingly self-absorbed types who go around being proud somehow of not reading others much . Now he is intensely impressed by what has come before. Finding himself somewhere between a boy licking fingers after raiding aniseed jars, and sucking said digits to ease the various ways he's been burnt since returning to Melbourne. Lately Alan has decided he must love, and knows who he loves, but somehow does not act on that knowledge - a fact that may surprise many of his friends, and would explain a lot to the other friends who knew something was wrong but not what. Being self-absorbed can mean not sharing much that maybe should be. Until he does declare his love (or at least act on it) Sub suspects he will remain 'a bit stuck', and that the self-loathing hinted at below will, then, likely persist into the next season... But with regard to the writing... To see how one has been - like the fool in the tarot deck who walks off the edge of the world, so blinded is he in the lost joy of his own head-cloud. To then moderate feelings of foolishness and self-consciousness, so they become more productive than inhibitory. Well, one absorbs oneself in work and reading, for example; the result - Oh what genius there is and has been... current passions... Jeanette Winterson, Kathy Acker, Dennis Johnson (Jesus' Son)... about to read Evelin Lau & George Bataille... ...and that girl? tell me i'm a fool. tell me i should call. tell me something i don't already know... as a friend said recently: if one does not move on such passions, why, really, do we bother to live? Who lives half-life as a husk, helps death too well, in prep-ing one's own body - when it remains Death's to shell.