Publications held in the Perfin Society's library for countries other than Great Britain, sorted by country. Sort by library number
No. | Country | Title | Publishing Details |
2718 | AFRICA | The World Perfins Catalog - African Section | 1995 - Robert Schwerdt - The Perfins Club - pp 50 (200g) |
1301 | ARGENTINA | Argentine Perforated Stamps | 1953 - Walter B L Bose - pp153 |
2001 | ARGENTINA | Sellos Postales Perforados de la Republica Argentina | 1985 - Walter B L Bose - pp 26 |
2717 | ASIA | The World Perfins Catalog - Asian Section | 1996 - Robert Schwerdt - The Perfins Club - pp 56 (200g) |
1664 | AUSTRALIA | Australia Illustrated Catalogue | Private publication - pp 57 - illustrations only |
2725 | AUSTRALIA | Handbook of Australian Private Perfins | 2003 - John Mathews |
2712 | AUSTRALIA | Security & Cancelling Overprints of Australia | 2000 - Brian Magee - pp 18 (200g) |
3007 | AUSTRALIA | Victorian Government Punctures - 2nd Ed | Nov 1982 - J E Elford, J Dean & B Troop - pp 22 |
3009 | AUSTRALIA | Victorian Government Punctures - 4th Ed | Jan 1988 - B Troop - pp 47 |
2002 | AUSTRALIA | Commercial Perfins of Australia | 1992 - John Grant & John Mathews - pp294 + Supplements |
0884 | AUSTRALIA | Victorian Government Punctures - 1st Ed | Aug 1979 - J E Elford - pp 19 |
3008 | AUSTRALIA | Victorian Government Punctures - 3rd Ed | Sep 1984 - B Troop - pp 34 |
2003 | AUSTRALIA | Australian Official Perfins | 1987 - D W Andersen - pp 51 |
1063 | AUSTRIA | Austria Perfins | 1991 - Compiled by John J Nussbickel - pp 158 |
1631 | BELGIUM | Catalog of Perfins | 1985 - Willem A Smetsers & Hendrick Smit |
2004 | BELGIUM | The Perfins of Belgium - 2nd Ed | 1997 - I R Hammink & J M van der Hoorn - pp 145 |
1673 | BRAZIL | Brazilian perfins | 1964 - Perfins Club |
0012 | BULGARIA | A Catalog of the Perfins of Bulgaria | Oct 1974 - V Maxa |
0118 | CANADA | "Maple Leaves" Checklist of Canadian stamps perforated OHMS | 1949? - pp 8 |
0930 | CANADA | Canada Official Catalog of Canada Precancels - 7th Ed | 1965 - Walburn H G & G C Mynchenbert - pp 56 |
0090 | CANADA | Canada OHMS Officials | 1955 - R Wrigley - pp 61 |
0926 | CANADA | Canadian Postage Stamps Perforated and Overprinted OHMS and "G" - 3rd Ed | 1966 - Roy Wrigley - pp 24 |
0009 | CANADA | Canadian Postage Stamps Perforated and Overprinted OHMS and "G" - 5th Ed | 1972 - Roy Wrigley - pp 28 |
0127 | CANADA | Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials 1st Ed | 1955 - R J Woolley - pub. NAPS Perfin Study Group - pp 32 |
0928 | CANADA | Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials 2nd Ed | 1961 - R J Woolley - pub. NAPS Perfin Study Group - pp 31 |
0050 | CANADA | Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials 3rd Ed | 1967 - R J Woolley - pub. NAPS Perfin Study Group - pp 32 |
0929 | CANADA | Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials 4th Ed | 1985 - R J Wooley - pub. J C Johnson & G Tomasson - pp 123 |
0538 | CANADA | The C12 Perfins of the International Harvester Co of Canada - 1st Ed | 1978 - Al Pearson - pp 96 |
0033 | CANADA | The Catalogue and Guidebook of Canadian Official Stamps - 6th Ed | 1974 - Roy Wrigley & Brian M Moir - pp 32 |
0343 | CANADA | The Catalogue and Guidebook of Canadian Official Stamps - 7th Ed | 1976 - Roy Wrigley - pp 70 |
0114 | CANADA | Wrigley's Checklist - Canadian OHMS Official Stamps | 1955 - R Wrigley - pp 18 |
0097 | CANADA | Wrigley's Textbook & Guide to the Canadian Official Stamps | 1972 - Roy Wrigley |
2020 | CEYLON | The Alnis Guide to Perfins of Ceylon & Sri Lanka | 1981 - Albert Ellis - pp 16 |
1147 | CEYLON | The Perfins of Ceylon | 1981 - Albert Ellis - pub. CSC Bulletin - pp 16 |
0134 | CHINA | Perfins of China | 1975 Compiled & Edited by Harvey G Tilles - pp 6 |
0985 | CHINA | Perfins of China | 1992 - Paul N Davey - The China Stamp Soc. - pp 22 |
3030 | COLOMBIA | Perfins of Colombia | Jan/Feb 1977 - E Harris |
0206 | CUBA | Perfins of Cuba | Feb 1977 - R Roy |
0351 | CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Catalogue of Perfins from the Territory of Czechoslovakia - 1st Ed | 1972 - Vojtech Maxa - US Perfins Club - pp 72 |
1633 | CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Catalogue of Perfins from the Territory of Czechoslovakia - 4th Ed | 1987 - Vojtech Maxa, Vaclav Fejtek & Ladislay Janecek - pp 184 |
2006 | CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Catalogue of Perfins from the Territory of Czechoslovakia - 4th Ed Reprint with supp. | 1988 - Vojtech Maxa, Vaclav Fejtek & Ladislay Janecek - pp 204 |
1382 | DENMARK | Danske Perforeringer | Ostergaard Hansen - pp 22 (Illustrated Catalogue) |
3011 | DENMARK | Handbook of Danish Perfins - Section 2 Catalogue | Aug 1983 - pp 120 |
2008 | DENMARK | Katalog over danske firmaperforeringer (with translation) | 1991 - P E Hansen, J Krolak, J Moller, P Fauerbo - Danish Perfin Society |
2713 | DENMARK | Katalog over danske firmaperforeringer 2001 | 2001 - O. Koster-Kofod, O. Hansen, K. Mathiesen, pub. Danish Perfin Soc. pp212 |
0721 | DENMARK | List of Danish Perfins | 1956 - Compiled E J Enschede, M & V J VanLint - pp 15 |
0879 | DENMARK | List of Danish Perfins | 1980 - Compiled Peter H S Anderson &Ostergaard Hansen - pp 45 |
1334 | DENMARK | List of Danish Perfins | 1956 - Compiled E J Enschede, M & V J VanLint - pp 15 + Supp. pp 4 |
2009 | EGYPT | Perfins on Egyptian Stamps | 1999 - Vahe Varjabedian - pp 32 + 2000 supplement pp 1 |
2716 | EUROPE | The World Perfins Catalog - European Section | 1994 - Robert Schwerdt - The Perfins Club - pp 70 (200g) |
3012 | FAROE ISLANDS | Faroe Islands Perfins | May 1977 - L Bergman |
0259 | FRANCE | Catalogue de Timbres Perfores Francais - 1st Ed. | 1977 - D Ribault- pp 185 |
2010 | FRANCE | Catalogue de Timbres Perfores, France et Colonies - 2nd Ed | 1990 - R Dedecker, M Herbert, R Janot -pp 353 |
0925 | FRANCE | Colonies Francais | Illustrated Catalogue - pp 25 |
1709 | FRANCE | Emission de France Vol II, Les Timbres Francals Perfores - 1st List | 1964 - Col Labland - pp 48 |
0356 | FRANCE | Emission de France Vol III, Les Timbres Francais Perfores - 2nd, 3rd & 4th Lists | Col Lebland - pp32 |
1710 | FRANCE | Emission de France Vol IX, Las Timbres Francals Perfores 12th to14th Lists (trans.) | 1978 - Col Labland - pp 21 |
0711 | FRANCE | Emission de France Vol V, Las Timbres Francais Perfores - 5th to 9th Lists | 1971 - Col Labland - pp 16 |
1123 | FRANCE | Emission de France Vol VIII, Las Timbres Francais Perfores 10th& 11th Lists | 1975 - Col Labland - pp 16 |
1711 | FRANCE | Les Marques Imprimees de Controle Prive (with trans.) | 1974 - Lt de Valsseau Ade la Mettrie - pp 8 |
2035 | GENERAL | A Brief History of The Perfin Society | 1998 - Michael Rucklidge - pp 16 |
0620 | GENERAL | Catalogue of Official Perfins | M. Thornton with the assistance of R. Bowman - SEPS - pp 145 |
2024 | GENERAL | De geschiedenis van de POKO postzegelplakmachine (partial translation) | 1993 - R J Hammink - pp 111 |
2027 | GENERAL | De Michelius Postzegelplankmachine en Barfrankierungsmachine | 1991 - R J Hammink - Perfin Club Nederland |
0548 | GENERAL | Handbook of Perfins Collection | 1993 - US Perfins Club - pp 10 |
2710 | GENERAL | Philatelic Literature by Subject No.5 - Perfins | 2000 - C. Nieuwland - pp 8 (50g) |
2028 | GENERAL | World Catalog of Topical Perfins / Wereldcatalogus Thematische Perfins | 1997 - R J Hammink - Perfin Club Nederland - pp 68 |
2026 | GENERAL | Zwitserse POKOs | 1992 - R J Hammink - Perfin Club Nederland |
1130 | GERMANY | Catalog of Bavarian Perfins | 1990 - John Needham - US Perfins Club - pp 72 |
2723 | GERMANY | Katalog der Deutschen Firmenlochungen | 1995 - Hans D. Hillmann, A. Wirth, K. Hannemann - Arbeitgemeinschaft Lochungen |
3013 | GERMANY | Privatpostmarken mis Lochungen | 1987 - Horst Muller - pp 16 |
3018 | GREECE | Greek Perfins/The Perfins of Greece | R Durden & P J Drossos |
2007 | GREECE | Perfins of Greece and Crete | 1997 - R.J. Hammink - Perfin Club Nederland - pp 51 |
1667 | HONG KONG | Security Markings | 1992 - P Orsetti & P Hugh - pub. Hong Kong Study Circle - pp 13 |
2011 | HONG KONG | Security Markings | Ming. W. Tsang |
3019 | HONG KONG | The Perfins of Hong Kong | 1975 - H G Tilles, Harvey Tilles, HighPoint, USA - pp 8 |
0291 | HUNGARY | Catalogue of the Perfins of Hungary | 1978 - Compiled by Vojtech Maxa - pp 49 |
1386 | HUNGARY | Hungarian Stamps with Official Punching | 1971 - L S Ettre - US Perfins Club - pp 11 |
0851 | HUNGARY | Perfins of Hungary - Checklist (illustrated) | Vojtech Maxa - pp 19 |
0073 | HUNGARY | Perfins of Hungary (illustrated) | 1974 -Vojtech Maxa, Dave Malyon, Las Grof - Magyar Phil. Soc. of GB - pp 50 |
1275 | INDIA | The Perfins of India and Indian States | 1990 - Magnus Werner - pp 116 |
0557 | IRELAND | Catalogue of the Perfins of Ireland | 1977 - N. M. Wright - US Perfins Club - pp 14 |
2013 | IRELAND | Ireland - Catalog of Perfins | 1994 - Compiled Richard L Mewhinney - pub. US Perfins Club - pp38 |
3020 | IRELAND | Ireland - Catalog of Perfins | 1984 - Compiled Richard L Mewhinney - pub. US Perfins Club - pp34 |
2012 | IRELAND | The Overprinted Receipt Stamps of Ireland | Norah M. Wright - pp 5 |
3021 | ITALY | I "Perfin" D'Italia | 1988 - Giorgio Cerruto - pp 131 |
2708 | ITALY | Italian Perfins Catalogue | 2000 - Enrico Bertazolli & Beppe Ermentini - pub. Vaccari (500g) |
2737 | ITALY | Italian Perfins Catalogue - Update 2005 | 2005 - Enrico Bertazolli & Beppe Ermentini - pub. Vaccari (400g) |
2014 | ITALY | Perfins of Italy | 1995 - R. J. Hammink & J. M. van der Hoorn |
0266 | JAPAN | Catalogue of Japanese Perfins - 1st Ed | 1967 - T Adachi - pp 92 (in Japanese) |
2015 | JAPAN | Catalogue of Japanese Perfins - 3rd Ed | 1980 - T Adachi - pp 111 (in Japanese) |
0331 | JAPAN | Indispensable Possession Pierced Stamps - 2nd Ed (Illustrated catalogue) | 1950 - T Adachi - pp 51 |
3022 | LUXEMBURG | The Perfins of Luxemburg | Sep 1977 - J Prins |
1240 | MALAYA | Perfins of British Malaya | 1989 - P Griffen - pp 32 (very small format) |
2714 | MALAYA | Perfins of Malaya | 2002 - Mervyn Lavender - pp 88 (500g) |
2016 | NETHERLANDS | Catalogus van de perfins van Nederland en OG | 1991 - Jan L Verhoeven - Perfin Club Nederland - pp 305 (illustrated) |
0264 | NETHERLANDS | List of the Perfins of the Netherlands, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands Indies | 1976 - E J Enschede - pp 186 (illustrated) |
0848 | NETHERLANDS | List of the Perfins of the Netherlands, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands Indies | 1956 - E J Enschede - pp 21 + 1957 supp. Pp 2 (not illustrated) |
0383 | NETHERLANDS | POKO Issues of the Netherlands - 1st Ed | 1974 - B E Bauder - Pub. Netherlands Phil. Soc. of Chicago - pp 105 |
0384 | NETHERLANDS | POKO Issues of the Netherlands - 2nd Ed | 1975 - B E Bauder - Pub. Netherlands Phil. Soc. of Chicago - pp 101 |
0385 | NETHERLANDS | POKO Issues of the Netherlands - 3rd Ed | 1977 - B E Bauder - Pub. Netherlands Phil. Soc. of Chicago - pp 111 |
2017 | NEW ZEALAND | List of users of New Zealand perfins with history of users | c. 1960 - pp 9 |
0265 | NEW ZEALAND | New Zealand Stamps with Perforated Initials | 1968 - R D Samuel - Postal History Society of New Zealand Inc - pp 52 |
3023 | NEW ZEALAND | The Tasman Catalogue of New Zealand "Perfins" | 1975 - LaurieFranks Ltd, Christchurch, NZ - pp 20 |
1066 | NON-PERFIN | Canada Tagged Stamps | 1976 - Ken Rose - pp 32 |
2209 | NON-PERFIN | Kellys Directory - 1991 | 1991 - Reed Infromation Services - pp 2534 |
2210 | NON-PERFIN | Local Government in England and Wales - A Guide to the New System | 1974 - pub. HMSO - pp 275 (plus "before and after" maps) |
2211 | NON-PERFIN | Postal Addresses and Index to Postcode Directories | 1983 - The Post Office - pp 268 |
2023 | NON-PERFIN | The Time Marking Machine Co & B F Cummins Co. Reprint from Machine Cancel Forum | 1982 - Louis Geschwindner, Reg Morris and John Koontz |
2212 | NON-PERFIN | Who Owns Whom - Continental Europe 1987 | pp 2485 |
2213 | NON-PERFIN | Who Owns Whom - United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 1986 | pp 2534 |
2025 | POLAND | POKO Perfins from Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland & Danzig | 1997 - R J Hammink - pp 107 |
1704 | PORTUGAL | Catalogo de Perfuracoes em Selos de Correio de Portugal | 1978 - Jose Rodrigo Dias Ferreira - pp 10 |
2018 | PORTUGAL | Catalogue of the Perfins of Portugal and Portuguese Overseas Provinces | 1988 - Roy Everett - pp 62 |
0822 | QUEBEC | Checklist of Quebec Perfins | 1981 - J G Dalpe - pp 41 |
1065 | ROMANIA | Catalog of Romanian Perfins | 1989 - Laszlo Eros - US Perfins Club - pp 49 + Tony Edwards suppl. pp 10 |
0850 | ROMANIA | Perfins of Romania - Checklist | Vojtech Maxa - pp 19 |
2019 | RUSSIA | Russian Perfins | 1996 - P Walker - pp 26 |
0005 | RUSSIA | The Perfins of Russia | V Maxa |
2719 | SLOVAKIA | Katalog perfinov z uzemia Slovenska | 1997 - V. Fejtek, J. Marencik, J. Kubenka, T. Kotek - pp 68 (100g) |
1064 | SOUTH AMERICA | The World Perfins Catalog - The Americas Section | 1992 - R J Schwerdt - US Perfins Club - pp 91 |
1703 | SPAIN | A Catalogue of Spanish Perfins | 1987 - Roy Everett - pp 19 |
1241 | SPAIN | Catalogo de Sellos Perforados de Espana | 1983 - Florentino Perez Rodriguez - pp 65 |
0786 | SWEDEN | Register of Swedish Perfins | 1972 - Compiled Leif Bergman - Scandinavian International Philately - pp 11 |
1136 | SWEDEN | Swedish Perfins | 1973 - Leif Bergman - Scandinavian Int. Philat. 3, (2), 46-54 - pp 9 |
0945 | SWITZERLAND | Perfins of Switzerland | Collated Felix Ganz, Robert Hurlimann & E J Enschede, pub. US Perfins Club |
2715 | SWITZERLAND | The Private Perfins of Switzerland | Martin Baer - Pub. Swiss Postal Stationery Collectors Society - pp 240 (350g) |
1518 | TURKEY | Catalogue of Turkey and Foreign Office there | 1993 - Dr Tony Llewelln-Edwards - pp 3 |
2040 | TURKEY | Perfins of the Levant and Turkey | 1997 - R J Hammink - Perfin Club Nederland - pp 42 |
0139 | TURKEY | Perfins of the Middle Fast | 1975 - Compiled & edited by Harvey G Tilles - pp 11 |
0066 | U.S.A. | Catalog of United States Perfins (1st Illustrated Edition) | 1966 - K F Lougee & L R Murray - US Perfins Club |
0617 | U.S.A. | Catalog of United States Perfins (not illustrated) | 1958-Keith Misegades & Karl F Lougee - pub. US Perfins Club |
2022 | U.S.A. | Catalog of United States Perfins (not illustrated) | 1969 ? - Karl F Lougee - US Perfins Club - pp 300 |
2707 | U.S.A. | Catalog of United States Perfins 1908-1998 (illustrated) | 1998 - John M. Randall - pub. Perfins Club (> 2kg) |
0586 | U.S.A. | Catalog of United States Perfins 1979 | 1979 - Joseph & Dorothy Balough - pub. US Perfins Club - pp 547 |
2021 | U.S.A. | Checklist of US Perfins | 1954 - A Bartleson - pp 110 |
0858 | U.S.A. | Corrections and additions to 1962-65 mimeographed catalogue | 1969-74 - D C Stump - pp 98 |
0429 | U.S.A. | Illustrations of United States Perfins | 1958 - Victor J & Margaret Van Lint - pp 77 + 1959 Addendum pp 7 |
0627 | U.S.A. | Railroad Perfins of the Railroads of the United States and Canada - 1st Ed | 1966 - Compiled by the Perfins Club - J P Harris |
1535 | U.S.A. | Railroad Perfins of the Railroads of the United States and Canada - 2nd Ed | 1987 - Compiled by the Perfins Club - R Gray |
0131 | U.S.A. | Relative Ratings of US Perfins | Claude W Cain - pp 21 |
0342 | U.S.A. | Revenue Perfins Catalog 1978 | 1978 - Bill Richerson - pp 155 |
3001 | U.S.A. | Topical Perfin List - Automobile and Allied Companies | 1968 - C M Swenson - US Perfins Club |
0910 | U.S.A. | Topical Perfin List - Banks, Insurance, Schools & Colleges | 1964 - C M Swenson US Perfins Club |
3002 | U.S.A. | Topical Perfin List - Miscellaneous Groups | 1968 - C M Swenson - US Perfins Club |
3003 | U.S.A. | Topical Perfin List - Newspapers, Magazines, Journals etc | 1968 - C M Swenson - US Perfins Club |
3004 | U.S.A. | Topical Perfin List - Paint Varnish and Allied Products Co | 1968 - C M Swenson - US Perfins Club |
3005 | U.S.A. | Topical Perfin List - Railroad Loco and Car Manufacturers | 1968 - C M Swenson - US Perfins Club |
3006 | U.S.A. | Topical Perfin List - Steamship Lines and Shipbuilders | 1968 - C M Swenson - US Perfins Club |
GB BOOKS | |||
The contents of this website are copyright © 2002 The Perfin Society