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Into Wonderland

Greetings travelers...

Greetings and salutation! Sorry this, and all my other pages, haven't been updated in a while. I just have not had the time to go over everything and fix broken links or edit and update pages. I will when I have more time. Between working and moving and costume making I've had no time! But hopefully there will be some updated in the near future.

Please sign the Guestbook...please...I'd be upset if you didn't Hehe. J/K. Whatever you want.


More sections to come soon!...and I've been saying that for how long??

*All about me!
A lil bio with pics. Enjoy.

*Few of my Sea World pictures
Here are just a few SW pictures I managed to save before my old computer crashed and I lost all my other pictures. When I get a scanner again I'll upload more if I can.

*My "Taxi" experience"
My goodness, how often does an opportunity like this come along?? All for a car!! lol. Enjoy reading and enjoy the pics...wayy before the movie even comes out! Oh yeah.

*Online Tests and Quizzes
Do you have any? Send URLs! Please forgive all the missing images. They were there a where I first got them.

Don't hesitate to visit all my old webpages that need A LOT of updating. *memories...*
My RENT Page
So You're a Creek Phrrreak?? - My Luther Creek page
Our Mimi Karen: The First Official Karen Olivo Page

E-mail: New one to come soon!