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Gardening & Birds

Some birds are very common in our gardens, but you can attract different types of them by creating a special garden. Plan it to provide food, shelter, and water for our feathered friends.

First of all, put out feeders, perching, mounted, and groud kinds. Beware of cats, though, wherever you add one. Birds are a natural prey for a cat. Fill the feeders with several different seed types for all kinds of birds. Also, birds love grains, nuts, fruit, and peanut butter. For grit (helps with their digestion), use sand.
Click on the links below for more information about bird feeding.

National Bird Feeding Society
Tips on Backyard Feeding

Plants provide a natural source of food for the birds. Add some in your yard. Here are the name of a few annuals birds just love, cosmos, california poppy, ornamental grasses, moss rose, zinnias, and marigold. Perennials, aster, coreopsis, purple coneflower (first photo below), globe thistle, pincushion flower, and goldenrod. Shrubs, hawthorne (2nd photo), privet, beautyberry, cotoneaster, juniper, and spicebush. Trees, acer, birch, dogwood, holly, crabappple, spruce, oak, and pine. Vines & groundcovers include, winter creeper, honeysuckle, boston ivy, and firethorn.

Some great links about plants for birds.

Backyard Wildlife Planting for Habitat
Wildlife-Plants for the Home Landscape
Landscaping-Wildlife Planting

For shelter and nesting, trees and shrubs are a necessity. They also help to protect them from predators, wind, cold, & rain.

Water is one of the basic necessities of a bird. Some birds, especially robins, enjoy bathing and splashing in birdbaths. So add some to your garden(s);a shallow pan of water would even attract our fine feathered friends. Others might like to add a pond to their yard.
If you are interested in adding a pond to your yard, click on the link below..

Backyard Pond
Some fun birdy links.

Bird of the World Postage Stamps
For children, Wild Bird Coloring Pages to print and color
I have added a some more links below for all your birding needs.
Birding/Wild Birds-Types of birds, field guides, photos, cards, feeders, birdhouses, clipart & more.
Bird Album
Nest Boxes and Bird Houses FantasyCards-Java Birds

Petersononline Birder Audubon

My little brother caught this little fellow at his house. A big cat was trying to catch it, that cute, baby bird was so frightened. I brought it to my house, took care of it for awhile, and let it go. It was very healthy when it flew off, so I'm sure it was okay. I think it is a sparrow.

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