When Dolts Drink

[Javert says, "Maybe Marius and Courfeyrac can learn to "share" like Jolllly and Bossuet. ;)"
Gavroche says, "They _did_ live together, after all."]
[Laura: Boys, Dessa: Cosette]

Cosette giggles and blushes. "Oh, Monsieur."
Courfeyrac smiles at the blush. "Really, Mademoiselle, you are a lovely thing. Would you care for some wine?"
Marius walks into the cafe, says, "Good evening, Courfeyrac," then registers who the girl sitting at his friend's table is, and just about falls over. "C-c-Cosette?" he manages to say in a rather hoarse whisper.
Cosette sips at some more wine graciously. She feels a bit tipsy, having been raised soberly. She looks over and blinks. Who's this? That boy from the garden? She had nearly forgotten about him. "Oh, it's /you/!" she says, in a drunken surprise.
Courfeyrac turns. "Why, good evening, Marius. Do sit down. You look as if you were about to faint."
Marius says, "And it's you." He's not really eloquent. No. Tonight even less than normal. "What are you doing here?"
Courfeyrac says, "She's having a drink with me. Would you care you join us?"
Courfeyrac gestures for Marius to take a seat.
Marius sits, staring at Cosette.
Cosette mumbles, "I'm..." then finds the responce being made for her, so she quiets herself with more wine. It's *good*.
Courfeyrac says, "So, Marius, you know this fine lady?"
Cosette assumes, of course, she is being addressed. "I /do/. But I would not call him a fine lady."
Marius nods. "We've met."
Marius whispers in an undertone to Cosette, "Perhaps we should take you home now, my dear Cosette. You seem to be, well, a bit drunk."
Cosette giggles and bats at Marius, "I'm dot nrunk, You!" She looks to Courfeyrac, "Are //yooou// Davie?"
Courfeyrac keeps smiling in a most reassuring fashion at Cossie. "No, Mamselle, I am not drunk."
Cosette looks to Marius. "See?" she plainly queries.
Courfeyrac goes on to suggest kindly, "But it is becoming rather late, and I should think a lovely girl like you would treasure sleep."
Marius says firmly, "And we'll take you home now. Right, David?"
Courfeyrac smirks. "Exactly what I had in mind."
Cosette stands up defiantly, "Late! What do you think, I am one to be all... things and whatever, on account of it being of lateness???"
Courfeyrac stands up, too, closely followed by Marius. He leaves several coins on the table to pay for the wine, and puts an arm around Cosette's shoulders. "Come with me, Mamselle. Marius and I will take you home."
Cosette pouts. "Pooh. I was having fun."
Courfeyrac reassures her, "Don't worry, Mamselle. We'll have even more fun when we get home. Won't we, Marius?"
Marius glares at Courfeyrac, trying to conceal his blistering rage (not that Cosette would notice it in the slightest) and too worried about his 'angel' to leave her alone in the hands of this cad.
Marius says through clenched teeth, "Yes. When she gets home, she'll have lots of fun _dreams_, David.
Cosette says, "But papa will... Oh. I did forget. Papa is on one of his little trippy-wippies."
Cosette giggles. "Trippy-wippy, trippy-wippy, trippy-wippy." she sings.
Courfeyrac says, "All the more reason why you should come home with us, Mamselle," and deftly guides her out the door. "We wouldn't want you to be home alone. Heavens knows what might happen to you."
Cosette says, "I am /not/ alone. Toussaint is here. Toussaint? Toussaint?!
Marius walks on her other side, one hand on her shoulders with its fingers tightly clasped about Courfeyrac's wrist. "We're taking her home, David."
Courfeyrac asks, "Toussaint? She's not here. You should come with us. And yes, Marius, we are most certainly taking her home."

Courfeyrac says, "Here we are, Mamselle. Home. Right, Marius?"
Cosette skips down the street haltingly in between the two most fascinating fellows.
Marius shakes his head and walks in ahead of both of them, going straight to his own room for a private reason.
Cosette follows Marius, flanked by Courfeyrac, giggling to herself. "Where goest thou, Marius?"
Marius ignores the question and disappears into his room, firmly shutting the door behind him, only to reappear a minute later with a bottle of wine. "I was just going to get this, Cosette."
Courfeyrac suggests, "My rooms are this way, Mamselle. Will you be joining us, Marius?"
Cosette says, "Oooh, gimme gimme gimme..."
Marius opens the bottle and drinks rather a lot at one gulp. "I'm coming, David. And I need this just as much as you do, Cosette." He takes another drink.
Courfeyrac nods and opens the door. "After you, Mademoiselle Cosette."
Cosette giggles and steps inside ceremoniously. "What are we doing?"
Courfeyrac allows Marius inside and then shuts the door. "Well, since it's so late, I though we'd go to bed."
Marius drinks even more as he hears this. "Tha's a goo' idea," he says
Cosette pouts, "It's /not/ late. Let's play a game first." She bats Courfeyrac, "You're it!" and she runs, skirts all flaring, around the room.
Courfeyrac says, "Mademoiselle, if we run about, my conciergie will think something is amiss."
Courfeyrac reaches out to gather Cosette into his arms, looking up at Marius instead of at her. "Come to bed, Cosette. Come to bed, Marius."
Cosette giggles, "Oh, for /goodness/ sake am I IT already?"
Marius looks steadily at Courfeyrac. "Yes, Cosette. You're it."
Cosette abandons herself to Courfeyrac's grasp, smiling slightly.
Marius gently turns Cosette to face him, and kisses her.