(Posted to alt.fan.wedge by Laura.)

Vive la New Republic!

Anyway. Two of my favorite Miserable people are named Enjolras and Grantaire. Enjolras is the blond, charismatic leader of the rebellion. He doesn't like Grantaire. Grantaire is the dissolute cynic who doesn't believe in the rebellion, except that he respects/loves Enjolras. Any parallels yet? This doesn't really involve Wedge, but it sure as heck sounds like Luke and Han.

As for Valjean, he's an old guy who joins the rebellion (it's hard not to capitalize it). Along the way, he tries to convert his oldest rival. Obi-Jean Valjean. (Jean is pronounced 'john', for you non-French types).

Javert? He's Valjean's mean nasty enemy-type, who is an Inspector. Defender of the law, and not a nice guy. He gets into a situation that's basically the reverse of Luke giving himself up to the Emperor in Jedi, in that he spends the rebellion tied to a post before Valjean gets the rebs to set him free.

Oh, yeah, and there's a surprise unveiling of a brother, sister, and family. The doltish romantic lead (Marius) finds out that the girl who loves him (Eponine) is the sister of a young rebel Gavroche), and that their dad is an evil, nasty guy.

I could get into more detail, but I won't do it without further badgering. I feel dumb enough already, and the only Wedge-like character is Gavroche. I think I'm saying that 'cause Gav is one of the only sympathetic characters in the whole book. And no, in case you were wondering, he doesn't survive. He does try to take care of his estranged sister once in a while, he helps out his sister's boyfriend, and he's basically awesome.

There are a bunch of smart-alecks among the rebs to be our dear Wes, too, but one is bald, one is a hypochondriac, and the other is...not Wes.

Quiara, mizfreak
Wedge would be really good at building a barricade.
Antilles/Celchu '00

Addendum 9/19/2000:
Wedge is not a blessed thing like Gavroche. What was I thinking? Wedge is Combeferre, god bless his mostly patient Best Friend demeanor. Wes Janson is Courfeyrac, one hell of a flirt. Hobbie's more like a mix of Joly (hypochondria) and Bossuet, for whom nothing ever goes right.