Dear Mr. Goldwyn,

I have been watching Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer musicals for years. My
favorite novel is Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables,' and I think it is an
admirable choice for one of your pictures.

Of course, the traditional focus of the story would have to be
changed somewhat, away from the stodgy and depressing Jean Valjean and
Javert, and more towards the tale of the revolutionary students. Perhaps
if the protagonist was Marius Pontmercy, played off of his rakish best
friend, Rene Courfeyrac. Based on your past successes, I should think
Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly would be perfect for these two roles.
Perhaps Debbie Reynolds would be suitable for the role of the ingenuous
Cosette, and Anne Smith or Cyd Charisse for the tragic figure of
Eponine. If the students were significant, perhaps minor stars could be
found for their parts.

Think of the wonderful scenes in the smoky Cafe Musain when our
shy Marius joins in song with Rene and their friend Enjolras to speak of
Revolution. Imagine the hijinks in the Parisian streets when Rene and
the irrepressible Grantaire (Van Johnson, perhaps) try to teach Marius
how to attract women. Picture the tender love scenes when Marius finally
finds the girl naive enough to love him. And then the pain when Eponine
falls in love with Marius, transmuted into joy when she meets Rene and
finds him much more to her taste.

How wonderful the revolution could be with the amazing effects
your studio can afford. But of course, the ending would have to be
changed to be more upbeat. The students might actually succeed in their
attempt to change the government. Wouldn't that be the right message to
give the people: that they can accomplish their dreams? The best ending
would be a four-way wedding, of course, in keeping with MGM traditions.
Marius and Cosette, and Rene and Eponine, joined in joyful matrimony.

Wouldn't that be darling?
