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A long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away the five fearless members of Phantom Planet battled the evil Empire by playing rock music. These Jedi Knights are: Alex Greenwald, with his vast array of '80's metal band t-shirts and vocals and guitar, fights the evil darkside of the force; Darren Robinson, with his extensive Garbage Pail Kid collection and his rockin guitar, grosses out the Stormtroopers; Jacques Brautbar, plays guitar and occasionally sings, with his love for classical music, Jacques is a very focused Jedi Knight; Jason Schwartzman, an amazing drummer, throws drumsticks at the enemy; and finally, Sam Farrar, a sensitive Jedi, Sam "plays bass and sings a little." Sam is loyal to the rebel cause, and finds time to model on the side!!

On the last episode, these powerful jedi's ran into some trouble and ended up Missing!! They have had some contact with the rebel alliance; sending out polaroids to ensure us of their safety...

We have received another message from the Jedi's of Phantom Planet, very recently in fact, letting us now about the guest.

Ok, maybe we're insane....just trying to think of a creative page for who else but Phantom Planet. Hey, its definitly not the best page, but we're amusing ourselves if no one else...right?? Feel free to sign the guestbook...thats what its there for and steal pictures if you wish...we know we took them and we aren't selfish. But at least give us credit for the pics if you post them... "Fair is fair"!! Take care!!

Jodi & Karen

Phantom Planet's 2nd Album "The Guest" in stores NOW!!

Last Updated: 3/13/02

Contact us, if ya want..

...or if ya catch us on online Karen's IM= dariaplanet : Jodi's IM= redvine95

This You Take Me Away site owned by jodi & karen.
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