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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Brad Blaisdell, Suzanne May, Aidan Bristow

Director: David Dilley

Genre: Drama/Thriller

Year: 2012

Rating: NR

Darrell Jacobs (Brad Blaisdell) is a retired mobster living in Phoenix. As cancer consumes him, he quietly runs out the clock, roaming downtown daily and frequenting his favorite café. Young waitress Alicia Foret (Suzanne May), a law student at ASU, is intrigued by the mysterious regular and follows him home. They quickly form a friendship that puts Alicia in danger, and forces Darrell to finalize any unfinished business. Alicia s boyfriend Tom (Aidan Bristow) does not approve of their friendship and has the pair followed. Tom s discovery of Darrell s true identity puts him in a state of panic. Not for the safety of his girlfriend, but for his own.

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Do not confuse the title with the 1941 classic from Hitchcock but this film from Writer/Director, David Dilley is a worthy directorial debut none the less. The film focuses mainly on two characters, Darrell Jacobs, a retired member of the mafia, who is dying of lung cancer and college student, Alicia Foret who is a waitress at a local diner that Darrell goes in to for coffee. The film's story also involves her boyfriend who has secrets of his own that ends up having all three of them involved in a deadly game.

To talk about the plot too much here would only ruin the film for those waiting to see it but I can tell you the story has enough twists and turns in it's second half to keep you engaged. But the main strength the film has is the relationship of the two lead characters. The story really excels when Darell and Alicia are on screen together, I'm not not saying the rest of the time the film isn't good because it is but the two main characters certainly carry the film for the most part. I was taken in by the two main characters right from the start, you immediately grow an attachment to both of them, Darrell can be a scary character at times but at the same time you feel for the guy and wish him the best. Brad Blaisdell has mostly been a character actor in his movie career but he really delivers here as Darrell and it makes me want to see more of him as a lead actor. His performance is nothing short of amazing and Suzanne May also does a terrific job playing Alicia. The entire cast were all wonderful and the story really draws the audience in and it just has you wanting more the entire time.

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"Suspicion" is a character-driven film that has a bit of mystery about it early on, it's characters are realistic and believable and the twists towards the end put an explanation mark on an already terrific story. Wonderful direction, a brilliant cast and a story that reels you in, another Indie gem from a very promising filmmaker. I cannot wait to see what all involved have coming next.

I highly recommend picking this up when it comes to DVD on April 17th. You can visit Osiris Entertainments web site to order "Suspicion" by going HERE.

Released by Osiris Entertainment

**** Out Of *****