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Cast: Kenan Thompson, Steve Howey
When he makes a late-night movie delivery to a strange town on Halloween, video store counter jockey Stan Helsing (Steve Howey) finds himself hunted by a who's who of slasher-film killers, including Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers and Leatherface. Now, Stan and his pals must use their knowledge of horror flicks to defeat the villains and hack their way to freedom.
Let me first say that there has been so many terrible parodies made in the last few years that every time a new one comes out I take a deep breath. Bo Zenga who produced the first "Scary Movie" takes complete control here as writer,producer and director. Steve Howey is excellent as Stan, Steve has great comedic talent and does a terrific job playing the hero who doesn't have a clue he even is one. I am not sure why he hasn't received more work in Hollywood but I hope to see a lot more of him in the future. Like I said before parodies such as this are normally not very good but I got to say even though there is some very corny scenes in the film and some stupid jokes I still found this to be very funny and a great take on the whole monster genre in general. The film has a story all by itself well adding other monsters/stories into the mix giving it at least a little more originality than all the other movies in this genre have had. Listen up, this isn't a master piece but it never tries to be one either, it is a "leave your brain at the door" flick filled with as many funny parts as lame ones so I recommend picking this up and just go for ride. If you do that I think you will find it to be an hour and and half worth of fun that doesn't require you to do any thinking whatsoever. Easily the best film to come out in the parody genre and one that I will certainly watch a second time. The cast, effects and music were all great and I found myself laughing out loud several times during the movie so to me it is a winner, pick it up and find out for yourself. The film is available on DVD and Blu-ray and comes with Special Features that include:
Audio Commentary with Writer/Director/Producer Bo Zenga and Actors Kenan Thompson and Desi Lydic
Killer Parody:The Making of Stan Helsing
Extended, Alternate and Deleted Scenes
Still Gallery
Storyboard Gallery
Released by Anchor Bay Entertainment
*** 1/2 Out Of *****