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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: David Knell, Perry Lang, Paul Land, Richard B. Shull, Corinne Wahl, John Archie, Steve Bassett, Mimi Cozzens, Donald Symington, Daniel Faraldo, Jessica James, Jayne Modean

Director: Sean S. Cunningham

Genre: Comedy

Year: 1983

Rating: R

Stu & O.T. are two studs from the big city who arrive in Fort Lauderdale for spring break. They discover that the room they had reserved in an over-crowded motel is already being occupied by Nelson & Adam, a pair of college-nerds. With no other accomodations available, Nelson & Adam reluctantly agree to share the room with Stu & O.T., who promise to show them a good time. The wet-T-shirt contests and beer-guzzling-fun are threatened when Nelson's controlling step-dad shows up, along with a building inspector who wants to shut down the motel.

After all these years Spring Break is finally on DVD thanks to Anchor Bay Entertainment. They certainly made a lot of teen comedies like this in the 80's but this is the one that is most remembered, the one that fueled male hormones across the country. The one Teen movie that set the bar on growing up and having fun while you still could. These young guys were out for two things, girls and beer and then more girls and more beer, it really takes you back to when you was growing up and even more so if you were a teen in the 80's. The film had some now well-known faces like Jeff Garlin from Curb Your Enthusiasm as a drunk guy who moons the camera. Yes, fun but clean fun and even if you never had the chance to go to spring break at least you get to be a part of the fun here. The film never took itself serious so don't look for any lessons to be givin out here this is just pure adolescent fun from beginning to end and the soundtrack was terrific, featuring .38 Special, "Caught Up In You" during a scene everyone must see. Spring Break is brainless fun and now that it is on DVD it is a must own, for those that remember this movie you will agree this makes for multiple viewings and for those that might of missed then now is your chance to own this classic now. Released by Anchor Bay Entertainment. ***** Out Of *****