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Cast: Yuya Yagira, Misako Renbutsu, Ryo Katsuji, Ai Maeda, Erina Mizuno, Suzuki Matsuo
THE SHOCK LABYRINTH marks Japan's first foray into the world of live-action 3-D feature films. The story follows a group of teenagers dealing with the disappearance of a childhood friend, Yuki, who was last seen in an amusement park’s haunted house. On a rainy day, 10 years after the incident, Yuki inexplicably returns. However, soon after reuniting with her friends, she collapses, and the group rushes her to a nearby hospital. But things are not quite as they seem at the medical center. As the night wears on, the group sinks deeper and deeper into the events from a decade ago that led to Yuki’s disappearance.
Takashi Shimizu has proven he is the master of Asian horror with his impressive resume which includes "Ju-on" and "Ju-on 2." So I was really looking forward to seeing this film and had high hopes for it but it never did reach the level of excellence you have come to expect from the master.
There's not much to add to the synopsis above without giving away some spoilers but I can you you this is one of those films that demands your attention because it can get a bit confusing at times. The film comes in a 2D version as well as a 3D version, the 3D version is pretty cool but don't expect the same type of 3D effects you're use to seeing in a Hollywood film. The 3D works fairly well but it's limited by the film's budget. One thing's for sure though, the cinematography in any Asian film is always top-notch and it's no different here, the film looks great.
As far as the story itself goes I have to say I have seen better but this is not the worse horror I have seen either. There are a few creepy moments and there's a few scary moments as well in the film but over-all it never really reaches that level I was expecting. The story is interesting and the abondoned hospital was the perfect setting, it really set the mood and atmosphere. The cast did a good job playing their characters and the stuffed rabbit was creepy as well. If I had to compare this to other films from Takashi Shimizu I would have to say it really doesn't match up to most of his other work but it's an average horror film that is worth checking out at least.
Available on DVD and 2D/3D Blu-ray/DVD both come with Special Features that include:
Original Language: Japanese
Dubbed Language: English
Subtitle: English
Extra: Interviews, Behind The Scenes, Trailers
Asian horror is always welcome because they create very unique and very spooky films and "Shock Labyrinth" is certainly unique so if you enjoy Asian cinema then I recommend checking it out. In some ways it was a little disappointing but it's still enjoyable enough to recommend a viewing.
Released by Well Go USA
** 3/4 Out Of *****