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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Darcy Flowers, Richmond Arquette, Ali Costello, Leslie Easterbrook, Tom Wright

Director: LazRael Lison

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Year: 2012

Rating: NR

Several college students are brutally murdered in a small college town and the killer is still on the loose. In an attempt to seek the truth, a journalism student misguidedly finds herself in a storm of intrigue, jealousy, devil worship, and the haunting of misunderstood forces that roam the college town. Will she discover the town's long buried secrets? Or will she find out that some secrets are better left concealed?

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"Rift" is suppose to be based on true events, at first it seems a little hard to believe but by the time the reaches it's end you have a change of heart on the whole matter. This isn't an easy movie to talk about because there is so much going on in the movie so the more you talk about the greater the chance of giving important parts away. The story constantly switches from the past to present day in order to tell the story as the young journalist researches the events to find out what really happened. This makes the film a bit tedious but believe me the journey is well-worth taking. The film is not all that gory but it doesn't need to be because the story alone is creepy enough to keep the chills coming.

The cast of mostly unknowns all did a terrific job playing a nice mixture of characters, for example there's a nerd and a miss prissy among others, you have no problem having feelings towards each one which is important when they each start meeting the evil that stalks them all. The film does have one very familiar lead in Leslie Easterbrook, this woman is an amazing actress in everything she is in but she only has a small cameo role here.

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Production wise the film looks great and the effects used are very good. Like I said there's not an abundance of blood here but the story is complex, engaging and pretty damn scary. Some may find it to be a little slow at first but stick with it and you will be rewarded by one of the smartest horror movies to come along in some time. I highly recommend checking this one out when it comes out on DVD June 12th.

You can order the DVD HERE.

"Rift" is a horror film that will have you creeped out the entire time and it will leave you thinking about it long after it is over.

Writer/Director, LazRael Lison did a terrific job creating a horror film that not only scares it's audience but it also gets you involved and causes you to think. I look forward to seeing what this talented film maker comes up with next

Released by Maverick Entertainment

**** Out Of *****