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Cast: Adam Scott, Joel Bissonnette, Robin Tunney
Michael Brown's birthday begins with a telephone call from his estranged, drug addicted brother Tobey. Tobey is totally unaware that it is his older brother's birthday, but he is very aware that his car is broken, and he begs Michael to drive him on various apparently legitimate, vital errands. As Bruce Springsteen has astutely noted, "a man who turns his back on his family just ain't no good". So Michael puts off his seemingly romantic birthday plans, and with his brother embarks on a sketchy, meandering day long odyssey though the mysteries of Los Angeles County. As the day wears on, it becomes clear that this drive will lead them to some very unexpected destinations.

Independent cinema can be such a joy to watch at times and Passenger Side is an example how just wonderful it can be. The film has a simple story which focuses mainly on two characters, brothers who come together to take a little road trip even if it is only within the city of Los Angeles. Tobey convinces his brother Michael to drive him around for a job interview as well as a few other errands, Michael had plans to celebrate his birthday but instead decides to go ahead and take his brother where he needs to go. But the thing is no one is sure where Tobey really wants to go, at least not at first. To give away too much of the story would only ruin it from those that have not seen it yet so I am not going to go into anymore details. The film is Indie all the way, a character driven film that is effective in it's emotions, mainly between the two brothers as well as being very funny at times. Joel Bissonnette and Adam Scott are both excellent as the two siblings and have great chemistry together as well, They play off each other perfectly. We all know Adam Scott from a few bigger films he has been in but this is the second straight Indie film I have seen him in and he has never been better. The film is directed by Joel's brother, Matt Bissonnette. You have to wonder if some autobiographical writing went on here. Besides the film's wonderful lead actors and it's fantastic support cast the effective cinematography and a fantastic soundtrack are just as important here in setting the right mood for almost every scene. This is a must see Indie film that is enjoyable, meaningful, and at times downright hilarious. A film filled with tremendous performances and smart and witty writing making for a wonderful cinematic time.

Passenger Side is a gem of a film so if you get the chance to see it on the big screen I highly recommend doing so, if not make sure you you pick it up when it comes out on DVD. You can find out more about the film and follow where it's playing at it's official site HERE. A film I instantly fell in love with, it made me think, laugh and just have a good time watching it, plus the film also contains a bit of a twist towards the end. I look forward to seeing more work from this talented film-maker and everyone else invloved.
Released by Strand Releasing
***** Out Of *****