In times of orcs and dragons, the orphan Kendrick was raised by his overprotective brother Darius. When their village is attacked by dragons, they have to move through the woods seeking the land of Ocard where a dragon hunter should be trained. They teem-up with a group of warriors wandering in the forest and the walk together to Ocard, in a dangerous journey under the attack of orcs and dragons. When they arrive in their destination, Darius discloses a secret to his brother.
First off you got to remember that this was made on a very limited budget so do not expect big Hollywood acting and special effects here. Now that I got that out of the way I got to say for having limited resources the film-makers did a fantastic job. The cinematography was excellent, the acting for the most part was very good as well and the costumes and settings were perfect. The story is about two brothers, one that cares and protects his younger brother as they make their way towards what will be a training session to kill the dragons. Darius, the older brother has a secret he is keeping from his younger brother. It is one that will change his life forever. I am not going to go into all the plot details so not to spoil the film. This is a debut for Writer/Director, Steve Shimek, I thought he did a fantastic job at keeping the film moving along at a brisk pace and the fights scenes were also very well done. The story is simple but it kept my interest the entire time. The dragon effects were used only when needed which is to be expected here but I got to say that I was very impressed with them over-all, they are certainly better than most you see in those made for TV movies that air. The characters as well were developed well, you cared for them right from the start. If you like fantasy or dragon movies I think this is worth picking up. Dragon Hunter is an action packed adventure that is filled with magic and suspense that makes for a fun and highly entertaining movie. Released by Monarch Video. *** 1/2 Out Of *****