Cast:Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift
Director: Bruce Hendricks
Year: 2000
This larger-than-life Jonas Brothers documentary serves up fan-friendly helpings of Kevin, Joe and Nick with exclusive behind-the-scenes action and concert footage filmed during the group's "Burning Up" tour. Much more than a mere concert transfer, the program offers Jonas Brothers devotees the chance to see their favorite rock stars at work, shedding light on their creative process and their approach to celebrity status.
Ok for starters I've seen some horrible reviews for this around the net before receiving my copy and I wondered, what were all these people expecting from this? I do believe that a lot of the negative reviews are from people that never even watched it. As an adult it is hard to rate a film like this because it simply is not targeted towards you, so it was a good thing I have a teenage daughter who just happens to like the Jonas Brothers. She was excited to sit down with her 3D glasses and watch so I joined in. All I can say was she loved it and has already watched it a second time. Like all music today I think many acts today are created rather than being talented on their own, I mean look at shows like "American Idol", I think it does more harm for popular music than it does good. So for what it is I felt it was pretty good wholesome entertainment. I do believe for the audience they are after they are not a bad band and fit right in with the kind of music today that is aimed towards teenage girls. I also felt they did a very good job at singing live and their show was fun for the kids that attended. What makes this a winner is the fact that the kids loved it and after all that is who will be buying this and playing it multiple times. The Jonas Brothers also are excellent role models for the kids and we all know the world needs more of that. In the end this was a fun and exciting time for kids and the 3D version was even more fun, so if you have teenage girls in the house I suggest giving this a shot as I am sure they are going to love the experience. The Three Disc Set is well worth the buy with a 3D experience with the Jonas Brothers, complete with exclusive bonus features including unseen performances, additional songs, and an extra DVD copy of the movie. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. **** Out Of *****