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The Betrayed

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Cast:Melissa George, Scott Heindl, Donald Adams, Ken Tremblett, Christian Campbell

Director: Amanda Gusack


Year: 2008


After surviving a terrible car crash, a young wife and mother regains consciousness only to discover that her real nightmare has just begun: She is now the prisoner of a deranged masked man who accuses her husband of stealing money from the mob. Can she get away from her captor -- and is there any truth to his story?

This film seemed to have slipped in under the radar, sad really as I felt this was a pretty good thriller and much better than a lot of flicks that are in theaters anymore. The film stars, Melissa George as Jamie, she wakes up in a basement,wet and alone only to find that a man with a mask is holding her captive. At first she is confused but soon enough the man reveals her why she is being held against her will and what she must do in order to stay alive and more importantly if she wants to see her little boy again who is diabetic and requires insulin on a daily basis. The captors use the boy to their full advantage and demand some answers but the problem is Jamie seems to know less than they do. There is nothing original here or ground-breaking here but I felt this character driven thriller was well-written and Melissa George did a fantastic job carrying the film, this woman can be sexy even laying in a dirty,wet basement but she proves here that she is more than capable of being a lead actress as well. At first Jamie is dazed and confused but as time goes by she begins to gain control over her emotions and soon begins to put the pieces together that can save her and her son's life. The film lacks any real action and takes place in the basement the whole time but the acting and story which has some good suspense at times makes this a pretty entertaining thriller. It is also important to note that actor, Oded Fehr does a great job as her cold-blooded captor, his character is all business and is not afraid to kill if he has to but as the film moves along and he begins to see that Jamie is really an innocent victim here he begins to feel emotions for her. I recommend picking this up if you enjoy a good thriller, there is nothing life changing here but it is still a tense thriller that I found to be very enjoyable. The DVD has no extra features on it just the movie but do not let that distract you from picking this up. Released by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. *** 1/2 Out Of *****