Cast:Rachael Leigh Cook, Michael Leydon Campbell, Grace Zabriskie, Ron Canada, Alex Desert, Amy Ryan, Nadia Dajani, Lucy Davis, Eddie Jemison
Director:Craig Carlisle
Year: 2009
After he's fired from his job -- by his mother, no less -- Bob Funk agrees to quit drinking, see a therapist, and eventually report to a new boss, who might just be the woman of his dreams.
Bob Funk is a man heading downward, he stays up all night boozing and womanizing, his attitude stinks and he works for his controlling mother. That is the basic story line, at least for half the film. We get to see Bob slowly destroy the little life he has left, we are told Bob's ex-wife cheated on him and it seems to have left a wound that Bob can't let heal and move past. I know all this sounds depressing at best but this is a comedy at heart and I have to admit that I found a lot of laugh out loud moments in the first half of Bob Funk. Somewhere around the midway point the film settles in and takes a more dramatic tone, once Bob's mom and boss finally has enough of him and fires him things begin to change for him. After asking his brother to plead to his mom for his job back Bob finds out his mom is willing to give him one more chance but there are certain rules he is going to have to go by. First he no longer has his same job title and now he must answer to the beautiful, Ms. Thorne who he seems to begin falling for and who seems to be the reason he begins to take a more serious attitude about getting himself back on track. The film had a limited Theatrical run in March but seemed to go unnoticed so to most seeing this on their local video shelves will be something completely new to them. Like I stated the first half of the movie attempts to be a plain comedy filled with boozing and sex jokes but as the film moves along it does get more serious and we are then allowed to get more of a feel for the characters and more importantly for Bob who is after-all the main charcter in the film. I have to say I have certainly seen funnier and more heart-felt comedies before but I did find this one to be entertaining as well and the cast I thought were all terrific including Rachael Leigh Cook as Ms. Thorne and Eddie Jemison was excellent as Bob. The supporting cast were all very good as well and I felt the movie itself had some funny moments as well as some more tender ones and the Director did a very good job keeping the film at an enjoyable pace. If your looking for something light you are not going to have to use your brain a lot for yet you want something funny I would recommend giving Bob Funk a shot, the film is an entertaining adult comedy that I think most people will find to be enjoyable.. Released by Magnolia Home Entertainment. *** Out Of *****