The shocking, heart-wrenching story of British-Canadian engineer William Sampson who lived a privileged life in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia until he was kidnapped, locked up and tortured by Saudi thugs for almost three years.
As the film opens you get to see Sampson walking around in a field in Canada a free man but then the goes back to the 2000 when he was a business consultant. He took a job in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the job paid good and the only thing wrong if anything he was doing was getting drunk with friend in an underground bar as drinking is illegal there. Later in the year a car bombing happens and one of his friends is arrested and it wasn't long before Sampson was too. This was the beginning of a very long torturous ordeal at the hand of his captors. This is one of the best Documentaries I have seen in some time, the story is told by reenactments of the horror he suffered and by watching Sampson himself in interviews. It is impossible for anyone to really feel or truly understand what this man went through but his interview, taking us back to the ordeal not only makes you feel sad and shocked but it doesn't take long before you have a connection with this man, you really begin to care for him. I must say this a powerful film that sadly shows what some governments do to those they accuse of committing crimes. The film will certainly have you feeling a lot of different emotions including being angry at what happened to his innocent man. Confessions of an Innocent Man is a must see film that takes you into one man's nightmare and if there was one film I had to recommend seeing this would have to be the it.. Released by BFS Entertainment. ***** Out Of *****