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Cast:Kim Little, Clint Browning

Director:Adam Silver


Year: 2009


A journalist searches for her daughter as a series of catastrophic disasters push a destabilized society toward the brink of global war.

The Asylum Entertainment releases another Christian thriller on their Faith Films label. This one stars the beautiful and talented Kim Little who just so happens to be married to David Michael Latt co-founder of The Asylum. Michael also has done directing,producing and writing among other things. Kim plays Allison, a woman reporter who is taking care of her daughter on her own but when the little girl disappears she thinks the little girl's father took her to Israel. Allison decides to fly there to find her daughter but what she uncovers is something she is not ready for. I thought this was a well-written apocalyptic thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next. You get a great mix of Biblical and Political suspense, the film has a mystery to it, even after it is over it leaves you thinking. I mentions Kim Little but the rest of the cast was also very good, Clint Browning is also very good as a man that appears in her life and helps lead her on her journey to find her daughter. The film was shot on location in Israel and the beautiful setting really helps tell the story, the location is like having another character in the film. The special effects were used only to enhance the story but were very well done and they added much to over-all impact of the film. The film also sends a good message for those that are true believers but any fan of this type of thriller will enjoy the film regardless of your religion. Countdown:Jerusalem is a thought-provoking thrill ride that delivers till the very end. The Asylum to me has always delivered on entertainment and this is no exception,pick this up today.

The DVD comes with Special Features that include:

Warning to The World:Making of Countdown

Deleted Scenes.

Released by The Asylum Entertainment/Faith Films. **** Out Of *****