Hiring a nanny sounds like the perfect fix for Marsha and David McMillan, who are already saddled with stress and now have a brand-new baby on the way. But when their hired help arrives from the Ukraine, she imports a whole new set of problems.
Nanny is a 2006 film that went by the title "Domestic Import" when it was first released. Now it makes its DVD debut and it is well worth the wait. The film was written by Andrea Malamut who brought her own experiences as a first-time mother to life, also the directing was done by Kevin Connor, you can see he really has an eye for comedy and does a great job at getting the most out of his actors. The film is well-written and the acting is excellent,it is nice to see Howard Hesseman again, I remember the days watching him on "WKRP in Cincinnati". The film is a throw back of sorts to when comedies use to be funny without having to be raunchy at the same time, it does a kind of sitcom feel to it but it has charm and is funny and just blame cute. The Ukrainian housekeeper housekeeper seems like a good choice until she begins to plot her own reasons for working for this couple, from the crazy outfits to the hilarious situations this was a comedy that had me laughing all the way till the end. Nanny Insanity is a Adorable film you can sit and watch the entire family can enjoy, everyone is sure to have a great time with all the crazy antics going on, you sit there laughing wondering what can wrong next. There is not many movies today especially in the comedy genre that the you and your kids can sit down to and enjoy together so this is a film to cherish and is a must own on DVD. The DVD comes with a Trailer and Deleted Scenes. Released by Anchor Bay Entertainment. **** Out Of *****