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Logan's War: Bound by Honor

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Cast:Chuck Norris, Eddie Cibrian, Joe Spano, James Gannon

Director:Michael Preece


Year: 1998


After the execution of his brother and sister-in-law, former Army Ranger Jake Fallon (Chuck Norris) faces the biggest challenge of his decorated career: training his orphaned nephew, Logan, into a martial arts expert. After fifteen long years of guidance, Logan (Eddie Cibrian, TV's Invasion) follows in Jake's footsteps and becomes an Army Ranger, returning home with medals of his own. But Logan has not forgotten his secret childhood vow to avenge his parents' murders, and his Army Ranger training has only further prepared him for his mission of revenge.

This 1998 film doesn't cover any new ground as far as story goes but its a Chuck Norris film so you know what your getting before even seeing it. The story is about a young boy, Logan, whose family was killed when he was still a child, goes to live with his uncle Jake(Chuck Norris). After finding out that his Uncle is a skilled Martial Artist Logan asks to be trained by him only to use it to go after those responsible for murdering his family. This is an excellent vigilante film for its time and Norris was still going strong at this point even if he was beginning to age. I had a great time watching this, sure it is over-the-top but it doesn't try to be anything more than it is which makes for a fun action film that only Chuck Norris could make. Released by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment.**** Out Of *****