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20 Years After

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Cast: Azura Skye, Joshua Leonard, Nathan Baesel, and Reg E. Cathey

Director:Jim Torres


Year: 2008


Everything that could go wrong did go wrong: War, Terrorism, Natural Disasters. Evacuees were ushered from the cities to refugee camps in the surrounding counties. In-fighting, famine and disease took their toll on the survivors. Now, twenty years after the bombs fell and the plagues ran their course the few that remain live in fear and without hope. Azura Skye stars as Sarah in this Post-Apocalyptic Fairy Tale about a young woman's journey to deliver the first child born in 15 Years. Sarah's refusal to give up is inspired by a lone voice on her radio. Michael broadcasts dim and distant messages of hope mixed with the music he scavenges from the dead. Forced from her basement home by drought and relentlessly pursued by those who want her baby, Sarah crosses paths with Michael in a cavernous, underground refuge of disparate survivors. It is from Three Caves that Michael and Sarah will embark on a journey beyond the boundaries of the Southern Corridor and into the unknown future.

This is a new film in a long line of them from this genre, we all have seen the nuclear war, apocalypse theme before with some being very good while others missed the mark. 20 years After is a new film in a genre that has been done over and over but this low budget Independent film rises above most for several reasons. For one you have a very talented cast here including, Azura Skye (28 Days, One Missed Call) who plays stars as sarah, a young woman on a who is about to give birth to the first child in 15 years. Also you have Joshua Leonard (The Blair Witch Project) who plays Michael. The entire cast do a nice job playing out their characters. Another thing that sets this apart is the story, sure there are themes from other films here but this also brings its own ideas to the table and speaking of new ideas the music in the film is terrific but it isn't just used for the sake of adding it, it plays an important part in telling the story as well as setting the mood. Considering the budget here most of the production values are very good. In the end 20 Years After is an interesting and entertaining film, something we have grown use to seeing from MTI Video who seems to have a feel for those special little gems we may not of ever seen otherwise. If your a fan of Sci-Fi then I highly recommend picking this film up today. Released by MTI Video. **** Out Of *****