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Day of The Dead Blu-ray

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Cast: Mena Suvari,Ving Rhames,Nick Cannon

Director(s): Steve Miner


Year: 2008

Rating: R

When the people of Leadville, Colorado start showing virus type symptoms the military is called in to close off the town and prevent anyone from entering or leaving. The Military will not disclose the reason for this action besides saying it's a drill but when the town begins to be over run by flesh eating zombies the locals must fight for their lives or die trying.

Director Steve Miner's take on George Romero's original is much different and in some ways thats the reason I might of enjoyed it a bit more than most. I admit the film does take the zombie thing a little too far at times, like when the zombies seem to have some sort of super-human powers as one crawls across the ceiling but besides those few times I felt the film was at least entertaining. The film has a great cast including Ving Rhames,Mena Suvari and Nick Cannon who provides a lot of the comic relief in the film. The story is typical among zombie flicks but the action which starts a little into the film never ends till the final frames. There's plenty of blood and guts for any fan and the film is full of exploding heads and decapitations that is sure to please any fan. As flawed as this film may be I was never bored and found it to be mindless fun so if your a fan of the zombie genre and are looking for one a little different this should at least entertain you with it's cast, fast pace and excellent cgi. The DVD comes with the special features at include:

Commentary provided by Jeffrey Reddick, Steve Miner and Cast Members

An ‘Internet Only’ Trailer

Alternate Ending

5.1 Dolby Digital Surround, Previews, Subtitles: English SDH and Spanish (special features subject to change). This Blu-ray release looks awesome in all the HD glory and for fans that enjoy the genre this makes the viewing experience even more enjoyable.

Released by First Look Studios. *** 1/2 Out Of *****