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Little Erin Merryweather
Horror Rated R. Once upon a time, death preyed upon a New England college campus. Rumors swirl that "if you see a flash of red, you're dead!" Local golden boy, Peter Bloom (David Morwick) investigates the grisly killings until the stakes grow higher and the body count mounts. Suddenly, Peter's search becomes a fight for survival in a fairy tale world full of nightmares. You don't have to look very hard to find a slasher film nowadays but most are just plain bad with no characters, story or suspense to be found. Well until now anyway, let me invite you to Director David Morwick's nightmare fairy tale. finally a horror film that is as clever as it is original. I will not go into the details on the story a lot here as not to spoil the film for you but I will say this film dose many things well that makes it stand out against any other in it's genre today. For starters you have the creepy narrative, it's something I grabbed onto right away and felt was a big part of keeping you glued to the tv. Also you have the violence, what makes the killings work is there's really not much gore to talk about, most of the killing is done off camera but with the film's terrific soundtrack and fantastic cinematography and mix of colors the impact is still felt. As far as the cast goes I don't think they could have never any better actors to play these characters. Vigdis Anholt is amazing as erin, a character that is both mysterious and scary at the same time, the 3 main male leads are all great too including David Morwick, yes Writer/Director and actor, his role as Billy who plays our innocent boy, one of three that are in extreme danger, Billy is the character that plays on our sympathies and he's the one we care the most about and we want Billy to live. Little Erin Merryweather proves that you don't need tons of blood,sex scenes or cgi to make a good horror film today. I can only hope this film has been seen by some of the big shots in Hollywood, maybe it will give them a few hints on just what's needed to make a scary, cleaver and original film today. I recommend you own this DVD today. Released by Indican Pictures. ***** Out Of *****