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The Darwin Awards
Adventure/Comedy/Romance Rated R. A forensic detective (Fiennes) and an insurance claims investigator (Ryder) trek to investigate a potential Darwin Award winner. From www.darwinawards.com: "The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally kill themselves in really stupid ways." I read some pretty bad reviews regarding this film so I didn't know what to expect from it but I always keep an opened mind and judge for myself. I think people that seen this were looking for something more, something they were not going to get as this is a comedy looking at funny ways people die from doing stupid things....period. I found that this film had a lot going for it including it's stellar cast. Joseph Fiennes and Wynona Ryder were terrific as the film's leads and played off each other perfectly, also it was nice to see Ryder in a film again as well. The film also has a who's who of Hollywood in it's supporting cast, there's many cameos by so many actors I cant even name all them but a few include Chris Penn, Tim Blake Nelson and David Arquette. Do yourself a favor and pick this movie up but don't look for a lot and you will find that this is a very original and entertaining film which is a lot better than the reviews it's receiving. Released by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. *** 1/2 Out Of *****