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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Ryan Greer, Christa B. Allen, Janel Parrish, Nalu Boersma

Director: Chuck Mitsui

Genre: Drama

Year: 2012

Rating: NR

Over the mountains of Oahu and hidden from the beaches of Waikiki, a local skater named Ralsto discovers that his 15 year old girlfriend Alea is pregnant. Scared of ending up like their parents, the young couple agrees “getting da kine” is the best plan. As Alea leaves for school, Ralsto embarks on his journey to raise the funds for “da kine.” Ralsto’s day goes from bad to worse when he is fired from his job at a skate shop. Comforted by her best friend Leilani, a manipulative teenage mom, Alea tells Ralsto that it must be a sign to keep the baby. Scared of becoming a father, Ralsto pleads for one more chance to raise the funds. Desperate for money, Ralsto’s last chance lies in his best friend Nalu who takes him on a journey into the dark world of cockfights and drug deals that ultimately leave him penniless. With no job and no money, Ralsto now must face Alea in this harrowing journey to a side of paradise you’ve never seen.

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The story of "One Kine Day" follows Ralsto a teen skateboarder who works at a skate shop part time. When Ralsto finds out that his girlfriend Alea is pregnant things get a bit messy. This is the second time she has gotten pregnant and there's a good possibility she might have to have another abortion but Alea is having second thoughts about keeping the baby which causes even more tension between her and Ralsto. Things go from bad to worse when Ralsto is fired from his job for being late too many times, determined to get up the money for the abortion he decides to go to the illegal cock fights with two friends to try and get the needed cash but things go from bad to worse.

It's really hard to talk about the film any further without giving away spoilers but I can tell you that by the time the film ends there will be some growing up taken place and it leaves you with a sense of hope. The music and cinematography play an important role in the story and are almost characters themselves. As far as the acting goes first time actor Ryan Greer did a terrific job as Ralsto and Christa B. Allen who has more experience in front of the camera is amazing as well, both a great together and apart in the film. The supporting cast plays an important role in the film and everyone did a great job playing their characters.

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The story and it's characters are both realistic and engaging, you are drawn into the young couples world almost immediately and you stay focused on the story till the very end, wishing the best for for them. First time Director, Chuck Mitsui does a terrific job telling the story while keeping the film moving at a good pace, there's plenty of drama but the story is never boring.

"One Kine Day" is a solid debut for both it's director and lead actor and the story is one that grabs your attention right from the start and it also leaves you thinking about it long after it is over as well. The isn't a masterpiece but it's a very good drama and I see I bright future for both Chuck Mitsui and Ryan Greer. If you like a good drama then I highly recommend picking this one up. You can order the DVD HERE.

Rleased by Osiris Entertainment

*** 1/2 Out Of *****