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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey, Jasmine Guy, John Schneider, Chris Sligh

Director: The Erwin Brothers

Genre: Drama

Year: 2012

Rating: PG-13

As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before she can utter her first lines, Hannah-unscripted-collapses in front of the stunned audience. After countless medical tests, all signs point to one underlying factor: Hannah's difficult birth. This revelation is nothing compared to what she then learns from her parents: she was actually adopted ... after a failed abortion attempt. Bewildered, angered, and confused, Hannah turns for support to Jason, her oldest friend. Encouraged by his adventurous spirit, Hannah joins his group of friends on a Spring Break road trip, embarking on a journey to discover her hidden past ... and find hope for her unknown future. In the midst of her incredible journey, Hannah learns that every life is beautiful. Hannah has two good if not over-protective parents, when she falls sick to both a psychical and mental illness the doctors find that it was a failed abortion which is causing her illness. Hannah is both confused and angry at her parents for keeping the fact that she was adopted from her for this long. She turns to her childhood friend Jason for support and he comes up with the idea of Hannah joining in on a road trip him and his friends are taking, it will get her away but it is also the chance to find her biological mother.

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What happens from there is best seen and not told about but I can tell you her trip is full of adventure and misadventure when they sleep in a hotel lobby and go to jail for breaking into an abandoned abortion clinic. That is only a few of the obstacles that she faces along the way but like I said it's best to see the film to truly understand it's message.

The film will evoke all kinds of emotions from happy and sad to angry, it also provides hope and faith that things happen for a reason and it teaches us that forgiveness is the only way to be truly free. I have to say this is one of the best films I have experienced in some time, I laughed and I cried a bit and all the while I wanted things to turn out for the best for Hannah. This is a triumph in cinema, a film that will touch everyone that sees it in some way, a thought-provoking film that raises many questions.

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The entire cast including Jason Burkey as her best friend, John Schneider as her father and Jasmine Guy as the nurse give terrific performances but the real star here is Rachel Hendrix who plays Hannah, she gives a wonderful and powerful performance, she brings every emotion needed to her character..the break-through performance of the year. The message the film sends is very powerful, in some cases it can even be life-changing. I cannot recommend picking up this terrific film enough. You can order the DVD and Blu-ray HERE.

Both come loaded with Special Features that include:

Commentary by Jon and Andrew Erwin and the OCTOBER BABY family

October Bloopers

Deleted Scenes, featuring the characters Truman, Bmac and much more

Shari Rigby’s story—How OCTOBER BABY helped an actor in the film deal with events from her own past

Gianna Jessen: The Inspiration for OCTOBER BABY

Singing the Praises of OCTOBER BABY

Facebook Q&A with Rachel Hendrix and Jason Burkey

Every Life Is Beautiful Stories

Jon Erwin

Gianna Jessen

Andy Erwin

Mark Hall (Casting Crowns)

Pat Layton


Dan Atchison (OCTOBER BABY producer)

The Afters Life Is Beautiful music video

A fantastic film with high production values, an amazing cast and a story that will touch your heart.

Released by Provident Films

***** Out Of *****