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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Robert Miano, Danny Glover, Martin Landau, Michael Rooker

Director: Lucius C. Kuert

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Year: 2011

Rating: NR

A once famous and now a washed-up Hollywood screenwriter fighting to finish his latest script with an unrealistic deadline. He finds himself in the center of a murder investigation involving a prominent politician's wife. The surrounding events feed him inspiration for his script.

"Mysteria" is a suspense filled Noir that is similar in a lot of ways to "Mulholland Drive." The movie is about a Hollywood Screenwriter who wants to complete his last script under deadline pressure and a murder investigation around him which inspires him for his script. Even though he has an airtight alibi the police still have him as a prime suspect.

There's a lot going on here some of which is reality based and some you're not so sure about, to talk too much about the plot would only ruin the film for those wanting to see it but I can say the story is drenched in mystery. The ending might leave some scratching their heads but this is definitely a thinking man's Noir so if you're looking for something you can coast through then I suggest you look elsewhere.

One of the film's biggest strengths is it's cast, Robert Miano is terrific as the drunken screenwriter and the supporting cast which includes, Michael Rooker and Danny Glover are all fantastic as well. I really liked the film's look and the soundtrack did a great job in creating the right mood. "Mysteria" isn't going to be for everyone but if you like a good mystery that engages it's audience then I highly recommend giving this one a chance.

Available on DVD, the disc only comes with the film's Trailer but the movie itself is worth checking out. You can order the DVD HERE.

Released by Green Apple Entertainment

*** Out Of *****