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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Alexia Rasmussen, Kent Moran, Cybill Shepherd, Shirley Knight, Frank Watson, Ernie Sabella, Lisa Benner, Amy Clare Lockwood

Director: Matt Thompson

Genre: Romance/Drama

Year: 2010

Rating: NR

Struggling musician Danny Foster (Kent Moran) never dreamed he'd fall in love with a woman who couldn't hear his compositions. But when he meets Ariana (Alexia Rasmussen), a privileged girl who lost her hearing in childhood, he's willing to believe anything's possible. As the young couple's love takes hold, however, Ariana's overbearing mother (Cybill Shepherd) proves to be their most vocal critic.

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You immediately feel for Danny from the opening scenes, this is a young man with a dream who is struggling to make ends meet working a job as a waiter. Danny seems to like his job, his boss and his friends but music is his true calling and he attempts to write a demo during his spare at home and at work using the piano that is part of the decor there. Another thing Danny never expected was to fall in love but when Ariana and her mom show up to have dinner one day she catches Danny's eye and it is love at first sight. The two will not only have to over-come the fact that Ariana is deaf but even more so her over-bearing and over protective mother who will stop at nothing to keep her away from Danny. I really hate to go into any more details on the story here since I think it will only ruin the experience awaiting those who are wanting to see it. The cast here is terrific, Kent Moran and Alexia Rasmussen are perfect as Danny and Ariana, they play their characters perfectly and have wonderful chemistry together. Cybill Shepherd is also excellent as the mother, as evil as she is you can tell she does love her daughter but you can see she knows her daughter is of age and is using her disability as a way to control her. The rest of the supporting cast is terrific as well. Director, Matt Thompson has made a romantic drama that pulls at the heart strings, do not attempt to watch this film without having some tissues close by. The cinematography is fantastic and the music fit every scene perfectly. "Listen To Your Heart" is a beautiful film, a heart-wrenching story but it also shows us that the power of love can over come any and all obstacles. I can't say I would watch this film again any time soon, not because I didn't like it because I loved it but I can say it left an impression on me long after it was over. It is a film filled with joy, humor and tears and one you will not soon forget. If you're looking for a little romance and drama you are not going to find it more on display than right here. I learned a few things a long the way while watching the film and one of the most important things you will get from it is life is short, live your dreams to the fullest and never lose or give up on love. A wonderful film from a very talented Director, This is a film that is sure to have strong word of mouth backing it.

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The DVD comes with Special Features that includes:


Music Clips

Photo Gallery

Deleted Scenes


You can order the DVD HERE.

Released by Osiris Entertainment

***** Out Of *****