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Cast: Sarah Jessica Parker, Greg Kinnear, Pierce Brosnan, Olivia Munn, Christina Hendricks
Trying to balance work and family is a non-stop juggling act for Kate Reddy (Sarah Jessica Parker). As a determined Boston-based finance executive, she devotes her day to her job and her night to her adoring husband Richard (Greg Kinnear) and their two young children. In between conference calls, meetings, deadlines, and her daughter’s school bake sale, Kate manages to survive on a daily basis. But when she gets handed a major new account that will require frequent trips to New York, and Richard also wins the new job he's been hoping for, both will be spreading themselves even thinner. Complicating matters is Kate's charming new business associate Jack Abelhammer (Pierce Brosnan), a handsome executive whose unexpected emotional support becomes a source of refuge.
"I Don't Know How She Does It" is a chick flick that is a bit unrealistic at times and it doesn't have a chance at an Oscar but I still found it to be a decent comedy with a feel good ending. If you read the book from Allison Pearson you will immediately notice many changes within the film, one being the location from London to Boston as well as other changes in the story as the film moves along. I can't say that's a good thing or bad so I will leave that up to those that have read the book and seen the movie to make up their minds.
The story has some nice observations about marriage, career, and parenting but the script could of been a bit funnier where it counted the most but it some how failed. Another reason the film wasn't better was Sarah Jessica Parker, this is her film and she must carry it but it seemed to me she wasn't really able to take the lead and keep it here. Like I said before this is a film aimed at women so most men are going to have a hard time getting into this one. I found it to be funny at times but not as much as it should have or could have been.
I really liked the cast going into the film and I thought Greg Kinnear and Pierce Brosnan were both excellent as usual in their roles. The biggest let down has to be the story, it just never really goes anywhere and that's too bad because the ensemble cast did a great job with what they had to work with. "I Don't Know How She Does It" is not a complete waste of time, it makes for a decent time waster and most women should enjoy it, I even found myself laughing a number of times during the film but I can't really recommend it to just anyone. So if the synopsis sounds like something you might then I say pick it up and judge for yourself but personally I felt if the film had some better writing and maybe a better lead it could of been so much better.
Available on both DVD and Blu-ray and both come with the Special Feature
A Conversation with Best-Selling Author Allison Pearson
You can order the DVD HERE and the Blu-ray HERE.
Released by Anchor Bay Entertainment
** 1/2 Out Of *****