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Cast: Corey Feldman, Bronson Pinchot, Brian O'Halloran
High schooler April (Allyson Muņoz) already knows plenty about casual sex -- which just makes her best friend, Michelle (Leah Viens-Gordon), that much more anxious to learn about all the wild possibilities being explored by lustful teens.
I could tell by the trailer that this was a film shot on a very low budget but that never stopped me from enjoying movies before and wasn't going to on this one. I guess if you wanted to you could compare this to the dozens of comedies that came before it that dealt with sexy women and men talking about and making jokes about sex and you would be right but some how they pulled it off pretty well here. Many of the jokes were very funny and there were some very memorable scenes in the film to say the least, the director kept the jokes and pace going at a very fast rate so you never have any time to bored. The film contains everything a man could want from a teen comedy such as this including half naked women and loads of raunchy sex jokes. After watching some of the bonus features I found out that the film indeed was shot on a minuscule budget which came as no surprise but at the same time I felt everyone involved in the production did a fantastic job considering the resources at hand. The cast is made up of mostly unknowns but I thought each and everyone of them did a terrific job playing their roles. Also the film has two friendly faces in Bronson Pinchot and Corey Feldman who both not only did a fine job in their limited roles but they also brought the film up a notch as far as star power goes. What you see is what you get most of the time with a movie like this and many might want to call this an "American Pie" rip-off but to me it plays more like a smaller more teen version of "Clerks". For what it is I felt the film did a terrific job at keeping me entertaining while being a bit different than all the other films I have seen in the genre, it was certainly well-written. If you like the genre I recommend picking this one up it will have you laughing till the very end.
Released by MTI Home Video
*** 1/2 Out Of *****