The Place For The Latest Movie Reviews
Cast: Shawn Ashmore, Emma Bell, Kevin Zegers, Ed Ackerman
Three friends hit the slopes for a weekend of skiing and snowboarding. But when they convince the chairlift operator to let them take one last run before closing, Parker (Emma Bell), Joe (Shawn Ashmore) and Dan (Kevin Zegers) find themselves stranded in midair, alone and freezing. It'll be days before anyone returns to the slopes, and their chances of survival are looking slimmer by the minute.

The story here is pretty basic, three friends trick a ski lift operator into giving them all ski lift rides for $100.00 but when the guy that took their money is replaced by another he thinks the lifts are empty and shuts them down. Now the three friends find themselves stuck in the air and to make things worse the lodge is not going to be open for a week plus there's a nasty storm coming in. The film starts off a bit slow at first, if you don't know the plot going in you might be wondering where it is headed. Frozen is a thriller about survival, the film makes you think what you might do if put in that same situation. Adam Green is one of my favorite Directors, he really has a feel for the horror/thriller genre and he creates some great suspense here. Plus the camera work and the actors actually being on the lift for much of the shoot really adds to the over-all believability of the whole thing. The actors did a great job at playing their roles and you really feel their pain and fear. The film only had a limited run in theaters but now that it is on DVD and Blu-ray I highly recommend seeing it. Frozen is one of the better survival films out there, it is unpredictable, frightening and it has thick atmosphere and tremendous suspense. I purposely going into what happens for fear of giving away any of the things that happen in the film cause I think the less you know about it the better but picture yourself stranded 50 feet above ground on a ski lift in freezing temperatures and no one knows you're there with the exception of what awaits for you below. Adam Green has done it again, creating an awesome genre film that is original and refreshing. I loved it and think any fan will as well.

The DVD and Blu-ray both come packed with Special Features that include:
Audio commentary with Writer/Director Adam Green and Actors Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers and Emma Bell
Audio Commentary with Writer/Director Adam Green, Cinematographer Will Barratt and Editor Ed Marx
"Catching Frostbite: The Origins of Frozen" featurette
"Three Below Zero" featurette
"Shooting Through It" featurette
"Beating the Mountain: Surviving Frozen" featurette
Deleted Scenes
Theatrical trailer
The Audio and Video on the Blu-ray are both spectacular. Everything about the film and the presentation is top notch and worth owning. You can order the DVD HERE and the Blu-ray HERE.
Released by Anchor Bay Home Entertainment
***** Out Of *****