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Cast: Calista Flockhart, Richard Roxburgh, Elena Anaya, Gemma Jones, Yasmin Murphy, Colin McFarlane, Michael Pennington, Daniel Ortiz, Susie Trayling
American nurse Amy (Calista Flockhart) is thrust into an eerie and dangerous world when she takes a temporary job at an isolated children's hospital in England that's slated for closure. The children, who are being terrorized and injured in baffling ways, confide in Amy that "the mechanical girl" doesn't want them to leave, and Amy must convince skeptics that the menace is real.

Fragile is a ghost story from Writer/Director, Jaume Balagueró, if the name doesn't ring a bell a few of his films might such as "Rec", "Rec 2" and "Darkness", Jaume has a way of creating atmosphere that certainly chills the audience. The film was originally released back in 2005 but for whatever reasons it never seen the light of day in the U.S. which is sad because the film is much better than many horror films that have been released in recent years. The story is about a nurse who goes to work in a hospital on an English island. The hospital is in the process of being shut down but there are still some children that still remain but will be leaving soon as well. The problem is the hospital has a past,a woman lived and died in the hospital and she just might to still hanging around. When strange things begin to happen everyone must fight to get out alive. There's been many ghost related horror films over the years but Fragile is quite impressive and different as well.

There's not many horror films that scare people anymore but Fragile is about to change that, there are several intense scenes in the film as well as a few that will have you closing your eyes so you don't have to witness the carnage that is taking place. The film has a back story, the hospital and the woman both and as secrets are revealed and strange things begin to happen it is up to nurse Amy to make everyone else understand before it is too late. I am not going to give anymore of the story away here because after waiting this long I am sure many of you are looking forward to seeing it. Calista Flockhart gives a powerful and sensitive performance, I have never seen her better and the rest of the supporting cast including the children are fantastic as well. Everything from the haunting music, sound and visual effects make this an intense and suspenseful horror film that doesn't need cheap tricks to scare it's audience. Easily one of the better and most original horror films to come out in some time, if you're a fan of the genre then Fragile is one horror film that is not to be missed. You can Pre-order Fragile HERE. The film is part of the Fangoria Frightfest titles which will feature eight new and exciting horror films. You can visit the site HERE. The DVD comes with Special Features include:
making-of featurette
visual effects sequence
Released by Lightning Media
**** Out Of *****