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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Jeff Dylan Graham, Barron Christian, Kristian Day, Katie Walters

Director: Marcus Koch

Genre: Horror/Suspense/Drama

Year: 2012

Rating: NR

Bill has problems. He lost his job, he quit the band, his medications are running out, and his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Jenny, has gone down the drain. But now he has an even bigger problem, there is a dead girl in his bathtub, and he can't remember how she got there. Bill's best friend, Derrek, is the only person he feels he can trust. Together they need to figure out who she was and what to do with her decomposing body. Relationships can bring you down.

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"FELL: Relationships Can Bring You Down" is a slow-burn drama about a man who is slowly losing his grip on reality. Bill's girlfriend left him, he lost his job and the medication his doctor gave him to help him out are just not working. What makes matters worse is there's a dead girl in his shower and he has no clue who she is or how she got there. He decides to tell his best friend about it in hopes he has some idea what to do.

This is really a hard film to talk about because to give anything anyway concerning the plot would only ruin the surprises that await you later in the film. Writer/Director, Marcus Koch has created a film that demands your attention and it asks you to be patient as we explore the fragile mind of Bill. The film is a Psychological Drama that takes it's time building it's suspense but by the time the end comes around all the pieces fall into place and what you get is a very satisfying and shocking climax that is worth waiting around for. This is definitely a film that not only asks you to think while watching it but it's also one that leaves you thinking about it long after it is over as well.

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"FELL: Relationships Can Bring You Down" wasn't what I expected going into it but what I found was something much better than I expected as well. Director, Marcus Koch really knows how to tell an interesting and engaging story and I look forward to seeing what he does next. Production wise the film looks much better than the budget would suggest and as far as the acting goes every in the film did a terrific job playing their roles convincingly. I highly recommend this to anyone that lives Independent cinema, the film might to a tough sell to fan's of commercial cinema but even they will enjoy the film if they take the time and just go with it. Engaging, disturbing and intense, this is a real gem that deserves to be seen.

Released by Chemical Burn Entertainment

*** 3/4 Out Of *****