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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Josh Dean, Heather Stephens, Paul Wolff and Eric Stonestreet

Director: Joe Ballarin

Genre: Comedy

Year: 2011

Rating: NR

A comedy centered around a newly divorced guy (Wolff) who moves in with his son (Dean) and joins him on the singles scene.

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"Father vs. Son" is a comedy that centers on a newly divorced dad, Jerry Coletti, and his ever-embarrassed son, Grant. When Jerry's wife dumps him he decides to pay his son a visit and all hell breaks loose when Jerry decides to go after the same lady his son in interested in. As each man attempts to do things to win over this beautiful woman the laughs just keep coming. There's not only tons of clever and hilarious dialogue going on between the two but the situational comedy is right on as well.

The cast here is amazing and I don't think they could of picked any better for the film's main leads, Paul Wolff and Josh Dean are incredible as the father and son, their chemistry together is spot on and separate they do a terrific job as well in the film. Also I must not forget to mention Eric Stonestreet who really brings the film up another level with his comedic talents as the son's best friend and the beautiful and talented, Heather Stephens has the love interest.

I'm not going to sit here and ruin any part of this hysterical comedy by giving away details because that would be just wrong, instead I am just going to keep this review short and say that "Father vs. Son" is one of the funniest films I have seen this year and it makes for multiple viewings because it's that damn good.

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A home-run of comedies with the perfect cast, lots of laugh out loud moments and great direction from a very talented filmmaker, Joe Ballarini makes this is a must-see comedy for all fans.

The DVD comes loaded with Special Features that include:

Audio Commentary featuring: Writer/Director Joe Ballarini, Writer/Co-star Paul Wolf, and Producer/Editor Brian James Crew

“On the Set of Father vs Son”


Deleted Scenes

Photo Gallery


You can order the DVD by visiting Osiris Entertainment's web site HERE.

Not much more to add here, if you like to have a good time then "Father vs. Son" will have you rolling on the floor in laughter.

Released by Osiris Entertainment

***** Out Of *****