The Place For The Latest Movie Reviews
Cast: Paul Wesley, Tom Skerritt, Bryan Cranston, Ivana Milicevic, Rade Serbedzija, Monique Ganderton, Fernanda Andrade, Chelah Horsdal, Jesse Hutch, Diego Klattenhoff
For high school wrestler Aaron Corbett (Paul Wesley), turning 18 means becoming not just a man but a nephilim, too -- half human, half angel, with supernatural abilities and a host of otherworldly vigilantes out to clip his wings. Considered an abomination by some and the Redeemer by the angel Zeke (Tom Skerritt), Aaron must protect his adoptive family and fellow fallen ones while coming to grips with his own emerging destiny.

Fallen is a made for Television Mini-Series that aired on ABC Family back in 2006, I don't know why it took so long for it to make it's way to DVD but but it's finally here for those that never got the chance to see it or did and really enjoyed it enough to pick it up again on DVD. The Mini-Series is based off the book by Author, Thomas E. Sniegoski, some of you might of read it while others like myself may not of but do not let that influence your judgment in regards to watching this. The story of good vs.evil moves along at just the right pace keeping you interested which is important since it is 4 hours 7 minutes without the commercials. The production and design is certainly a plus here and the action scenes with them fighting with flaming swords were exciting but not over-done which I thought was smart so not to make it look like something out of "Star Wars". The effects I felt were very good considering it is a made for Television event, the wings, flying and fire effects really added to the over-all mystic and entertainment. Angels always make for a good story and I felt this was one of the better stories told about them and certainly better than the recent film "Legion" which was in theaters. The cast is perfect here, I suppose the DVD release could be considering good timing since the lead actor, Paul Wesley is currently starring in the hit TV show "The Vampire Diaries" so people will see a face they immediately recognize on the front cover. Wesley does a great job at making Aaron a very believable character, He's not the perfect messiah that that you might expect but have to remember he is part human and the writers did a fantastic job at combining the two. The rest of the cast including, Tom Skerritt and Bryan Cranston all give terrific supporting roles. One of the things I thought they could of done a little differently was with the dog, maybe instead of focusing on him talking maybe it should of been more aimed towards Aaron hearing him in his head, I understand this was on ABC Family so maybe that was the reason it was given the more "family friendly" take. That is all I had an issue with here in a otherwise highly entertaining film, you might think this will be a film loaded with special effects but it is far from that, sure their are effects but they are used to enhance the great plot that is already in place. If you enjoy this kind of Fantasy/Sci-Fi then I highly recommend picking this up today. Solid entertainment and for a film that was made to air on a family oriented show I have to say it was almost perfect.
Released by Image Entertainment
**** Out Of *****