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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Sophie Linfield, Sam Hazeldine, Gordon Alexander

Director: Kelly Smith

Genre: Horror

Year: 2011

Rating: NR

Two couples spend a weekend in the country, only to cross paths with a brutal serial killer. As the body count rises, suspicion spirals into paranoia, climaxing in a terrifying battle for survival.

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"Don't Let Him In" is about Paige and Calvin who allow Calvin's brash younger sister to bring along Tristan, an arrogant city trader she's picked up in a one-night stand. After arriving in the country they soon learn that people are being stalked and murder by a serial killer, it doesn't take them long to realize they might of invited the killer on their trip. As far as the genre goes "Don't Let Him In" doesn't bring anything new to the table but fan's of horror should at least find it entertaining. The British cast all give excellent performances and the settings help in creating the mood. There's also a nice bit of gore in the film as well as some good suspense and a nice twist towards the end that you not see coming but even if you do you will still appreciate the effort.

Certainly not a great film but I did enjoy it and I felt it got better as it moved along. The film has a decent if not simple story and if has a nice pace to it you're never bored.

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Available on DVD the film comes with Special Features that include:




You can order the DVD HERE.

A decent horror film you if you're a fan you might want to check it out, this isn't one I would revisit but I had a good time watching it.

Released by Image Entertainment

*** Out Of *****