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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Matthias Schoenaerts, Jeroen Perceval, Jeanne Dandoy, Barbara Sarafian

Director: Michael R. Roskam

Genre: Foreign, Thriller, Crime / Criminals, Other Foreign

Year: 2011

Rating: R

In perhaps the year's most stunning international debut, Michaël R. Roskam's BULLHEAD is a harrowing tale of revenge, redemption and fate. Domineering cattle farmer Jacky Vanmarsenille (Mattias Schoenaerts in a ferocious breakout performance), constantly pumped on steroids and hormones following a childhood trauma, initiates a shady deal with a notorious mafioso meat trader. When an investigating federal agent is assassinated and a woman from his horrid past resurfaces, Jacky must confront far-reaching consequences and whether the real meaning of manhood is hormonal or emotional.

"Bullhead" is a piece of cinema you will not soon forget. If I was to go on about the plot I would only ruin the film for those wanting to see it so what is written above is plenty to know before seeing the movie. The film starts off a bit slow as it introduces all of it's characters and gets the plot set-up for everyone but once you find out why Jacky is injecting himself so much is when the film really begins to take off. Not entirely violent but the film dos contain some disturbing scenes so be warned about that but if you can get past those since they are a part of the story and are not just there for the sake of having violence in the movie then you are in for a real treat here. I heard some great things about the film before I had the chance to see it but I never really expected such a gritty, intense and powerful film. The opening narrative really sets the stage, after that the film slowly puts a stranglehold on you and it doesn't release you till the very end.

Production wise the film looks amazing for a Foreign Indie, the cinematography is very impressive and the score fits each and every scene perfectly. As far as the acting goes everyone in the film gave realistic and believable performances but the real star here is Matthias Schoenaerts who does an incredible job in the title role of the movie. His physical presence and emotional performance is the best I have seen in a very long time.

I can't say "Bullhead" is going to be for everyone because it's a film with subtitles and it's also a film that demands your attention but to miss out on seeing this would be a crime itself. An intense piece of cinema with originality, incredible performances from all involved and simply gorgeous camera work. I think it's fair to say that this is a must-see film for anyone that loves cinema. "Bullhead" is an incredible debut for Writer/Director, Michael R. Roskam and I for one look forward to seeing what he does next.

Available on DVD and Blu-ray, both comes packed with Special Features that include:

The Making of BULLHEAD

Interview with star Matthias Schoenaerts

Theatrical Trailer

Commentary with Director Michaël R. Roskam

Interview with Michaël R. Roskam

THE ONE THING TO DO: Roskam’s 2005 Short Film starring Matthias Schoenaerts

"Bullhead" is one of those films that needs to be seen and not told about, I hope I convinced at least some of you to check it out because it's a gem we rarely get to see. Released by Image Entertainment/Drafthouse Films

**** Out Of *****