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Cast: Nick Cannon, Melonie Diaz,Tom Sizemore
What would you do if you had just four days to say goodbye to everyone who was important to you? Nineteen year old Mike Holland has 96 hours to make peace with his frieds and family and maybe even begin a new relationship on the eve of his deployment to Iraq. Get a glimpse of the emotional battlefield our troops navigate as they leave America's streets to fight in a completely different world.
I am glad I received a copy of this for review, I wasn't expecting much to be honest because mainly Nick Cannon who plays Mike, he must must carry the film and to be honest I have never been all that impressed with his acting but he has certainly changed my mind about him here, he simply shines. Mike has 96 hours to get ready mentally for his deployment to Iraq so he heads home, on the bus he meets a woman,Cristina, who is falls in love with in a very short time. Love is a good thing but it makes going away that much harder for him and seeing his old friends and family again doesn't make it much easier as well. The story is about an American soldier but it is not a war film, it is a coming of age story about one young man among many that faces his future with uncertainty. You feel his pain and his fear and as the hours tick away it just gets more intense. American Son is a powerful and captivating film that puts you right in this man's shoes and the emotions can certainly become over whelming for anyone that has to face what this man is about to face and his time off is swiftly passing by. The film captivated audiences at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival and there is good reason for it. The cast is brilliant, Nick Cannon does a fantastic job at playing Mike, a young man with a lot on his mind, the role has a lot of emotions one must display and Nick handles it with ease. Melonie Diaz is super as Cristina, I love this woman, she is so full of talent. The supporting cast is just as fantastic, it is nice to see Tom Sizemore in another film even if the role is small, he is a talented actor. If your looking for a war film with lots of action look elsewhere but if you like a good drama then this is one that will touch you in so many ways. I am glad I had the chance to add this great flick to my site and I highly recommend everyone out there to pick this up today, this is a fantastic piece of cinema from everyone involved. The DVD comes with Special Features that include:
Widescreen - 1.85
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound - English
Subtitles - Spanish
Audio Commentary By Director Neil Abramson And Producers Danielle Renfrew And Michael Roiff Deleted Scenes:
Deleted Scenes With Optional Commentary Featurette:
Leave In Bakersfield: Behind The Scenes Of AMERICAN SON
Released by Miramax Home Entertainment. ***** Out Of *****