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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: John Patrick Amedori, Lizzy Caplan, D.J. Cotrona, Jenny Wade, Jonathon Trent, Daryl Hannah

Director: Elliott Lester

Genre: Drama/Crime/Romance

Year: 2006

Rating: R

Jonah Brand (John Patrick Amedori) isn't necessarily the type of guy who would interest ultra-hot Sara Weller (Lizzy Caplan). But when she and her friends find out he works at a pharmacy, they charm him into their circle and gain his trust with manipulative fawning. Jonah knows he's playing with danger, but it's tough to resist the game.

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This is one of those movie releases that leaves you scratching your head wondering why it took so long to make it to DVD and why wasn't this ever given a proper theatrical run? I can't answer those of course but I can tell you this is a gem of a film that should move swiftly off the video shelves from strong word of mouth. The film has a number of central characters but the main focus is on Jonah, a teenager who has never really fit it. When he meets up with a a group of friends his world changes forever. Sara and her friends like to party and when they find out that Jonah works at a pharmacy they decide to let him in to their little click in hopes of getting him to steal drugs for them. Jonah is a desperate young man in that he never really had any close friends, he has always been an outcast so he looks at it as a chance to fit in. Plus he has a thing for Sara even though her and her boyfriend seem inseparable. Without giving away the entire story I will just say Jonah begins to lose control of his life thanks to drugs and to an obsession to Sara. This is a powerful story that a lot of teenagers today can relate to in many ways like peer pressure and the sense of belonging. The film gives a realistic look at characters and situations that can arise in anyone's teenage years. The characters are easy to relate to and well-written, you feel for each and everyone in one way or another and the story is both thought-provoking and suspenseful. You know from early on Jonah is heading down a path of destruction but you hang on hoping the for the best. Intense is a word that easily comes to mind here, I have to admit the trailer didn't blow me away but the film itself sure did. This is not is easy movie to watch but I believe it is one every teenager and parent should see, the film deals with a lot of issues of today like single parenting and the pressures that come with growing up. Addicted to Her Love is a sad, yet powerful film that leaves a lasting impression. I was left thinking about the tragic events I just seen long after it was over. This is a drama that makes you think, sure it's an entertaining film but not one that leaves you feeling very good after the credits role. A must see film with a stellar cast that includes John Patrick Amedori who gives an amazing performance as Jonah and Lizzy Caplan who plays Sara, a young girl not only dealing with the grief of losing a loved one but dealing with the obsessed Jonah as well. Daryl Hannah also stars in the film as Jonah's mother, it's a small role but she does a fine job as always. The productions values are top-notch from the amazing camera work down to the soundtrack witch just seems to fit every scene in the film perfectly.

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If you like drama with edge then do not miss seeing this one, it is one of those rare films that leaves a mark long after it's over. You can order the DVD HERE and the Blu-ray HERE. Both come with special features that include

Behind-The-Scenes Featurette

Audio Commentary

Released by E1 Entertainment

***** Out Of *****