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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Carmen Electra, Charlie O' Connell, Brooke Hogan, Christina Bach Norman, David Gallegos, Corinne Nobili

Director: Christopher Olen Ray

Genre: Action/Horror/Sci-fi

Year: 2012

Rating: NR

When a college educational ship is sunk by a mutated two-headed shark, the survivors escape to a deserted atoll. But when it starts flooding, the coeds are no longer safe from the double jaws of the monster.

I can guess many of you are saying, "Not another shark movie" about right now and I would agree most of the time but this one is much better than all the others. The story is straight forward but at least there is one to follow and the characters are likeable for the most part. There is also some hot chicks, villains without teeth and a big two-headed shark that is looking for blood. The CGI isn't half bad ever and there are some good scares making this a lot of fun to watch.

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The cast as a few well-known celebs like Carmen Electra, Brooke Hogan(who surprisingly did a pretty good acting job) and Charlie O' Connell. The rest of the cast are unknowns but there really isn't a weak link here as far as the acting goes. The location used and the vast ocean really help in setting the right atmosphere of nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

If you're a fan of these creature features then I suggest checking this one out, as far as the genre goes this is certainly one of the more entertaining ones to come out, with a nice blend of action, suspense blood and even a little nudity as well, plus it has an original creature in a two headed shark.

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Available on DVD and Blu-ray, both comes with Special Features that include:

Widescreen Presentation

5.1 Surround Sound

Making of Featurette


I had a fun time watching this one, you know what you're getting here so you either like these kind of movies or you don't. If you're a fan then I highly recommend checking this one out.

Released by The Asylum Home Entertainment

*** 1/2 Out Of *****