
11/27/99-Hi, all you happy visitors out there! (If there are any...^_^) Well, if anyone *does* visit this site, you may have noticed that it is rather small, and the updates are...well...there aren't really any updates. Urd and I have decided to turn Milkland into something else, still pertaining to anime...(We're deciding on just *what* we're going to do with it) and move our beloved FYMYMRoom (Which IS eventually going to be finished, BTW) to a new fanfic site we're designing, which will contain all of our other incredibly stupid but amusing anime fanfics as well! Hope to see you there!

(PS-Thanks to all the people that have bought or wanted to buy Fushigi Yuugi after reading the fic. You know who you are!)-Skuld

~A Note from Urd:

(Psst..I don't know when this is from, but it's old..-Skuld)---Greetings, MilkLanders, just a note on our recent updates. Lately, we've been focusing setting up a layout and webshell. We do have a few things up so far, but they're pretty much premade and a lot of those are still under construction, too. *sweatdrop* So be patient with us as we get our spagenki gears going. Before you know it, we'll be spic & spa.


Super Pinkseikun!!

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