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25 Years of Mikeage

Well, its been quite a ride. 25 years is a long time. I can't say I'm surprised I've lasted this long. I wanna thank everyone who's been a part of my life so far and look forward to those that will be in the future.
In this section, I'll be going through some of the things that have gone on in my life (both significant and minor). In between certain entries, I'll interject some things. I guess its my own little mini documentary. I've never been one to seek the spotlight; I can make decisions and lead a group, but I prefer to orchestrate things from the sidelines. Let someone else grab the attention and let me do my thing. This section, however, is all me.

October 22nd, 1979:
I'm born in Trenton, NJ. At the time I have no name.A couple days later, I'm put up for adoption. Sorry to be rude but you don't get any more information regarding that.

I'm given the name Michael Gaentano Panichella. I live in Maple Shade, NJ.

Sept. 1983:
First day of pre-school. At first, I hated it, lol. I was never really away from home for that long. It was scary. It took me about an hour to get over it. I made alot of friends there over the next 2 years. I have no idea what became of any of them. The only person from these years that I was still friends with later on was Ian McComas, who lived down the block from me.

Sept.(?) 1984:
My first cartoon favorite, the Transformers, begins to air. Little did I realize I'd still think they were cool to this day. Well, being so young I probably did think I'd love 'em forever. :)

I start kindergarden at OLPH, a catholic school. Over the year, I made new friends (ones that I actually continued to know). Some intelligence is displayed as me and 2 friends began reading well before anyone else in the class.

First grade. I met a longtime friend, Pete Martinez. Along with him, Ben Jackendoff and John Cummings, we beamce a foursome to be reckoned with. Smart kids along with charisma(well, me and Pete had the charisma, lol). Plus, I had a habit of making out with this girl Shannon in between classes. I was ahead of my time :)
Also during the year, Transformers the Movie came out. In animated form I witness death and profanity for the first time. And who says cartoons are bad for ya, lol.
That cristmas, an odd thing happened. Somehow, both my legs fell asleep during the night and when I woke up and got out of bed, I just fell to the floor. That didn't keep me away from the presents, though. I just pulled myself down the stairs and went on like everything was normal. Luckily, I was able to get my legs working again a couple hours later.
I got a dog this year. Samed him Sam. He was a dalmation. Very playful. Unfortunately, also very stupid. I didn't mind though. I loved my dog. I'm told that I'm adopted fot the first time. The seeds are planted. Who are my real parents and how do I find them. I'll think about this topic for the next 11-12 years.

Not much different this year. Still doing well in second grade. I'm drawin' a blank here. Um...I played soccer that fall. I did well, but I just didn't really feel like doing it after one season. Maybe it was the couple cheap shots I took to the nuts. Oh well. I guess I'm allowed to not remember some stuff that happened. It was, after all, a long time ago. Lets move on...

Started to need glasses. I really hate my eyes, dammit. Oh well. At least I didn't need braces, too. Met some new people. I wouldn't call them the best influence on me, but they did manage to bring out my knack for being a smart-ass, class clown, or whatever you'd like to call it. Started getting into trouble more often, too, so I came up with new ways to "play innocent".

Screw 1990 and the beginning of '91. Its just more of the same. The only notable exception would be the fact that my friends and I started becoming interested in the girls in our class.

Fall 1991:
Ahh...the good ol' time when the smart ass, the social butterfly and intellectual came together to start forming the person I am now. I gotta say: I was personable. I was friends with the top guys in the class and all the gals. Plus I was still one of the top 3 students of the class. I was able to help people when they had trouble in a class. The circle of friends grew alot larger. In the beginning of '92 I ended up dating the girl I was kissing in first grade. I was willing to take more risks for a laugh, because I knew I would always be able to pass a test. Screw any other reprecussions, I want a laugh dammit! Still, the dorky side of me started to emerge. On the side, I collected comic books (quite a nice and valuable collection now). During the summer, something wierd happened. When I was in first grade, I joined Cub Scouts. That really only lasted a couple years, but my dad took over the group and we still did the annual Father's Day weekend camping trip. Well, that summer, this guy John (who ended up being a really good friend of mine later on) was making fun of a couple of my other friends. He crossed the line when he threw a Pepsi can at one's head. I just snapped and grabbed this wooden pole I had found earlier (not quite a 2x4....more like a 1x2). He was on the top bunk but that didn't matter. I leapt up there, fought off the kid who was hangin' with him, and just started giving him a beating. That started an interesting trend with me. Don't mess with anyone I close to me or I'll snap.

Fall 1992 through 1993:
Another good year for me-the beating I delivered that summer made me even more popular. I guess defending your friends is the right way to go. Plus, I was the kid who knew how to make a joke. I also started to branch out in my musical tastes. Before, I only listened to rock/metal, but now some rap started to creep in there. I also started diggin through some of the old tapes I had during the '80s.

End of 1993 through '94:
That guy I beat over the head? Funny thing: By Novemeber we were the closest of friends. We'd always be hangin' and getting into trouble. He even had my really odd sense of humor. This was our 8th grade year. The last year we'd have at that school. Damn, we made the most of it. Me and my friends pretty much ran things at the school. We were the oldest. We knew the right people. It was great. Hehe....Joh even had a little Woodstock party at his place that summer. I had already started smoking cigarettes for a couple months, but that was the first time I smoked pot. Some good times, man. One of the best things to come out of this year was Jeny. Originally, she was John's girlfriend, but they broke up. We still talked on the phone, though. We quickly became great friends. In June 1994, she gave me the nickname "Mikeage". That name has stuck with me since. We're still great friends. Hell, she only lives a couple blocks from me now, since I moved to Palmyra.

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A Little More About Me
Parties I've been to, and those that are coming up
