FF3us/FF6j battle palette assigment lord_j@hotmail.com, http://www.angelfire.com/pq/jumparound/index.html Following the sprite order made with FF3H, here is the list of sprites. Values(or indexes, or pointers) based upon the document made about battle sprites palettes. Base:0x2D02B Lenght: 1 byte with a small values (0 to 6) Offsets from base address: 00: Terra's sprite color set 01: Locke " " 02: Cyan 03: Shadow 04: Edgar 05: Sabin 06: Celes 07: Strago 08: Relm 09: Setzer 0A: Moogles 0B: Gau 0C: Gogo 0D: Umaro 0E: Brown soldier 0F: Imp 10: Leo 11: Banon 12: Terra as an esper 13: Merchant 14: Ghost 15: Kefka 16: Gesthal 17: (Elder) 18: Man(soldier in battle) 19: Dog (not Shadow's Interceptor reply) 1A: (Celes dressed) 17 and following are illegal sprites, they never show up in battle