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Fort Phantom

You are wandering, lost among the trees. You are on the verge of collapsing when a dark shape drops down behind you. A long, wicked claw comes across your throat. "One move, and you're dead! I am Poisonclaw NightHawk. Ruler of Fort Phantom, a group of mercenaries, assassins, and bounty hunters. Join to serve me, Lady Poisonclaw NightHawk, or die! I don't miss." Will you join, or have your throat slit? Make your choice. You glance behind you and see a tall, sinewy, female ferret. Her fur is unusually dark for her species and her eyes are a pale, shifty blue. She wears a sapphire-colored cape with the image of a black hawk on it. Around her waste is a black leather belt. Many differnt blades, throwing axes, bundles of leaves, and viles of liquid are strapped there, as well as one great sword. Obiviously she is an expert in herbs, probably poisons. You shiver at the sight. As you look around you more you see six sets of red-glowing eyes. Suddenly a loud sound brakes the silence, "Kreegahhh!". "Patience, my friends. Perhaps you will get him in the end." the queen replies. As your eyes ajust to the darkness you see that the eyes belong to six ravens. Their long deadly beaks open and close impatiently. They keep glancing toward their master, waiting on her word. You attempt to nod your head but only manage to gasp out, "I'll join! I'll join!"



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