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May 29-31, 2002

Istanbul Technical University, Industrial Engineering Department
80680 Macka Istanbul, Turkey

In Technical Cooperation with

International Fuzzy Systems Association, IFSA

University of Toronto, Canada

Honorary Chairman
Lotfi Zadeh (USA)

Conference Chairmen
A. Fahri Özok (Turkey)
I. Burhan Turksen (Canada)

Cengiz Kahraman (Turkey)
Fethi Calisir (Turkey)

Organizing Committee
Cengiz Kahraman (Turkey)
Fethi Calisir (Turkey)
Seyda Serdar (Turkey)
Umut Asan (Turkey)
Murat Durucu(Turkey)

International Scientific Committee
R. Felix (Germany)
R. Fuller (Germany)
P. Hajek (Czech Republic)
L. Koczy (Hungary)
H-J Zimmermann (Germany)
H.L. Larsen (Denmark)
R.R. Yager (USA)
J.J. Buckley (USA)
R. Mesiar (Slovakia)
R. Slowinski (Poland)
M. Umano (Japan)
Z. Irani (UK)
Da Ruan (Belgium)
J. Kacprzyk (Poland)
E.H. Ruspini (USA)
N. Callaos (Venezuella)
L.H. Tsoukalas (USA)
G. Salvendy (USA)
A. Kandel (USA)
P.P. Wang (USA)
A.A. Goldenberg (Canada)
G.K. Knopf (Canada)
O. Kaynak (Turkey)
Z.Sen (Turkey)

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from the industry and academia and provide them a platform to report on recent developments on fuzzy systems and soft computational intelligence in management and industrial engineering.

Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Knowledge-based & Expert Systems, Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Industrial Control, Financial & Stock Market Monitoring and Prediction,Genetic Algorithms, Managerial Applications of Computational Intelligence Tools, Cognitive Science, Presentations of Computational Intelligence Oriented Companies and Their Products, Case-based Approximate Reasoning and Problem Solving, Human-Computer Interaction, E-Commerce, Simulation, Multi-Media and Web-based Technologies, Logistics and Supply Chain, Scheduling, Production Planning and Control, Quality Assurance & Evaluation methodology, Human Factors & Ergonomics in Production & Service Systems.

The papers submitted for presentation at FSSCIMIE'2002 must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers accepted for presentation will appear in the proceedings of the conference and will be distributed to the participants.

The presented papers will be further screened for possible publication in a special issue of "Journal of Logistics Information Management"

Submissions of Papers
Prospective authors should submit the abstracts of their papers either electronically or hard copies, up to two pages in 10-12 point font, before December 24, 2001 (EXTENDED) to the address of the Conference Secretariat given below.Notification of acceptance of abstracts is January 16, 2002. Submission of final papers is March 15, 2002. Abstracts should include five to ten keywords, and the technical area(s) most relevant to your paper, and the corresponding author's e-mail address. Please use the e-mail address for the electronic submission of the papers.

Submission of ACCEPTED Papers
Abstract and Keywords : An abstract of no more than 200 words should state the purposes of the study, procedures, findings and conclusions. This should be followed by four to eight key words to assist cross-indexing. Body: Single column, times new roman, font size:10. Figures and Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and titled. Each column should have an explanatory heading and should not repeat data which is available elsewhere in the paper. Figures (original line drawings) should be professionally prepared and of immediate reproducible quality. All illustrations (including computer printouts and listings) should be numbered consecutively. The amount of lettering on a drawing should be reduced as far as possible by transferring information to the legend. Both tables and figures can be put inside the main paper. References: In the text, references should be shown by the author's name followed by the year in parentheses e.g. (Green 1980). If more than two authors are involved, et al. should be used, e.g. Green, Brown and Black 1965 should be (Green et al 1965). If more than one paper by the same author appears in the same year, these should be distinguished by a and b. At the end of the article, references should be given on a separate page in a list in alphabetical order in the following format: For journals: Cooley R, Mobasher B and Srivastava J (1999) Title of article. Know and Inf Sys 1: 5-32 For books: Langton CG (ed) (1996) Title of Book. Publisher, Place of Publication, pp 201-222 Chapters in a book (or papers in a proceedings): Yamamoto Y, Sasaki T, Tokoro M (1999) Title of chapter, In: Floreano D, Nicoud J-D, Mondada F (eds) Title of Book. Publisher, Place, pp 39-48 Note that the first three authors' names should be given in full: if there are more than three authors, et al should be used after the third name. References are the authors' responsibility and failure to supply complete references. Style Files: We accept common formats (such as Microsoft Word).

Parallel Presentations and Poster/Demonstration Sessions
When considering submissions for the parallel presentations, authors should consider whether their material may be more effectively presented in the poster/demonstration sessions. Poster/demonstration sessions have been especially designed to accommodate the presentation of late-breaking scientific and professional news; work in progress; work which can be more effectively presented via demonstration or when the author feels more comfortable presenting the material in written form or demonstrating it rather than by oral presentation.

Conference Fees
The conference registration fee includes refreshments, light lunches, final program and one copy of the conference proceedings. To encourage student attendance, a special discount on the conference fee is available for student attendees. The student conference registration fee includes refreshments, light lunches, final program and one copy of the conference proceedings. To be eligible for the discounted conference fee, students must provide documentary evidence in the form of a letter from the Head of their department or their Student ID card. This discount does not apply to student authors presenting a paper. Those students presenting a paper must pay the regular registration fee. Authors/Presenters, who have been notified of the acceptance of their paper/s, may register for one paper of up to six pages at the conference registration fee. For authors having more than one paper and/or more than six pages in a paper, please include ADDITIONAL FEES as detailed below. The number of extra pages is to be considered per paper and not in total. All registration materials must be received by February 15, 2002 in order for paper/s to be published in the proceedings.

Conference Fee:

On or before 18 January 2002 US$ 400.00

After 18 January 2002 US$ 450.00

Student Discounted Fee US$ 250.00

Additional Fees:

Conference Dinner Ticket US$ 30.00

Additional pages (for paper more than 6 pages long) US$ 40.00 per page

Additional paper/s US$ 100.00

Additional Proceedings US$ 150.00 each (Requests for proceedings after 18 January 2002 will depend on availability and will be provided on a first come first served basis)

Method of Payment: Payment may be made by bank transfer, International Money Order or Cheque in US dollars made payable to FSSCIMIE’2002. Registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment. Payments are non-refundable upon cancellation less than 30 days prior to the event. Substitutes are allowed.

Bank Address

Account Name: FSSCIMIE'2002

Akbank Validecesme Branch

Bank: Akbank

Swift Code: AKBKTRIS

Account Number: 0027480

Bank Address: Akbank Validecesme Branch Spor Cad. No: 122 Macka 80680 Istanbul Turkey

Conference Secretariat
Assoc. Prof. Cengiz Kahraman
FSSCI-MIE’2002 Secretariat
Istanbul Technical University
Department of Industrial Engineering
80680 Macka Istanbul Turkey
Phone: +90-212-293 13 00 (70 lines)/2073
Phone:+90-532-661 53 12 (Assoc. Prof. Fethi Calisir)
Fax:+ 90-212-240 72 60

Proposals for invited sessions, proposals of panel discussions and demonstrations/exhibitions are also welcome.

Let's Meet Where Two Continents Meet
The conference will be held in Istanbul-Macka at the Social Facilities of Istanbul Technical University. Istanbul is the only city in the world, which embraces two continents, one arm reaching out into Asia, the other into Europe. The former capital of three successive empires- Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman- the city is a fascinating mixture of past and present, old and new, modern and traditional. The museums, churches, palaces, mosques and bazaars and the sights of natural beauty seem inexhaustible.

Istanbul is one of the cheapest cities in the world. You will be suprised when you see the prices of goods and services (1 US $ = 1,500,000 Turkish Liras).


The hotels available at preferential rates can be obtained from the following "Istanbul" links. Alternatively, the organisers have reserved a number (25) of hotel rooms (single and double) at special price for FSSCIMIE'2002 Congress delegates. The prices of these rooms are US$ 43 for single and US$ 61 for double. Please contact us urgently if you prefer these rooms using the address of the conference secretariat above.

Istanbul-1 Istanbul-2 Istanbul-3 Istanbul-4 Istanbul-5 Istanbul-6


A one-day post-conference tour to Bosphorus on Saturday 1st June at special price for Conference delegates is organised.